Family Time

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"Wake up girls! You need to get up and eat so we can leave for our vacation!" Mom cheerfully says while shaking me and Hermione awake gently.

"I'm up, Mom." I yawn as I sit up. Hermione nods and sits up and rubs her eyes.

"Breakfast is on the table. Get dressed and come down." Mom says as she leaves to wake everyone else up. Hermione and I get dressed quickly and beat everyone else but Dad to the kitchen table.

"Hey Dad. How'd you sleep?" I ask as I sit down.

"Really well, how about you two?" he replies without looking up from his paper.

"Great. Didn't move all night." I say. Hermione just mumbles 'Good.'

"You don't seem to be fully awake, Hermione." Dad muses.

"'M not." Hermione yawns.

"Go ahead and start eating. Everyone else should be down shortly." Mom says as she walks into the kitchen. I fill my plate with two pancakes, a piece or sausage and some bacon. Hermione gets two pancakes and some bacon. Everyone is downstairs by the time we finish eating.

"Make sure you got everything packed that you'll need, then meet us in the entry hall." Dad tells us once we are all done eating.

"Yes Dad." Everyone says and we head back to our rooms. Within 5 minutes we are all back downstairs with our luggage. Dad shrinks Harry's luggage while Mom shrinks mine and Hermione's. 

"Time to go. We are apparating so Harry you're with me, Hermione is with Mom and Alexis you're with Remus." Dad says. We all grab our respective adults and apparate to Orlando, Florida. Dad goes into a nearby rental car place and rents a minivan for everyone, and we drive to Disneyworld. As we get closer I start bouncing in my seat.

"Can you stop bouncing?" Harry asks for the third time.

"I'm just excited." I say.

"I can tell." everyone else in the car says.

We get to the resort we are staying at and check in. While we are unpacking Dad goes over the rules again, and warns us that we aren't immune from spankings just because we are on vacation. We all finish unpacking and spend the rest of the day at the pool.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DAY 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We all wake up super early and meet in the kitchen of our resort suite.

"Which park do you want to go to today?" Dad asks.

"Magic Kingdom." everyone says in unison. We all laugh then put on sunscreen and head to the trolleys that will take us to the parks. We spend the first half of the day as a group, then after lunch we split up into groups to ride what we wanted to.

"I want to ride this one again!" I say to Sirius as I run to the line. I make it to the end of the line then look back to see where Sirius is, and I don't see him anymore. I shrug and decide to find him after I ride the ride again.

(Time jump to after the ride)

"Sirius? Sirius! Sirius!!" I call as I walk around. A security guard walks up to me and grabs my arm.

"Your brother has been looking for you. Let me take you to him." she says nicely. I nod and silently walk behind her to where Sirius is waiting.

"ALEXIS!! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Sirius practically screams when he sees me. I nod and hug him back.

"I was so worried. What happened?" he asks while squatted down so he is eye level to me.

"I wanted to ride that ride again, so I went to get in line and when I didn't see you behind me I decided I'd find you after the ride was over. I'm sorry!" I say, trying to hide my face. I peek out from behind my hands to see Sirius's face turn stormy with anger.

"You ran off because you wanted to ride a ride again!? We are going back to our suite to discuss this." Sirius fumes as he practically drags me back to the trolley station. I gulp and follow him. When we get back to the suite the only other people there are Mom, Dad, and Sev. Sirius explains what happened as I stand there toeing the carpet and not making eye contact with anyone.

"Is there anything you want to say for yourself?" Mom asks me sternly. I shake my head no.

"Then go with Sirius and then your Dad or me will handle the rest." Mom says. The realization that I am getting more than one punishment hits me and I look at her with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Mom. I didn't mean to scare Siri." I say sadly. She points to the doorway Sirius is standing at silently. I take the walk of doom to Sirius and follow him into the room.

"You could've been taken when you ran off. You put yourself in a dangerous situation. That's why you are getting this spanking." Sirius says before promptly tipping me over his knee and baring my bottom. I groan and brace myself for the sting.


I am softly crying by the end of the spanking, and Sirius cuddles me until I stop crying.

"Now you get to face Dad and Mom again." Sirius reminds me. I nod and head to their room.

"You have an option." Dad says when I get to their room.

"What is it?" I ask.

"You can get ten with the paddle over your panties or you can write 200 lines." he explains. I decide to take the swats because I hate writing lines more than I hate spankings.


I am sobbing by the end and Dad cuddles me until I calm down again. I take a nap until dinner and then we watch Disney movies and play games until we all fall asleep in the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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