Is There A New Dumbledore?

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"Time to go to breakfast!" Hermione says as I slowly get dressed.

"Can we go see Harry first? I need to tell him something." I mumble.

"Sure, but we better not get in trouble again." Hermione replies with her usual skepticism. We quickly run go to the infirmary and I walk over to Harry's bed upon realizing that he is awake already.

"Alexis?" He says, obviously surprised I'd come to see him before breakfast.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am sure Dad would adopt you if you wanted. I'll leave you to think on it. I have to get to breakfast." I blurt out quickly. I turn and head to the Great Hall before he can reply. I once again only pick at my food until Dad notices and stands up. When I see that he is standing, I stand and run out of the Great Hall and to the infirmary to avoid the embarrassment.

"Harry, I shouldn't have walked away earlier." I say once I get back to his bed, ashamed of myself. He pulls me into a hug.

"It's fine. I would love to be part of your family, but they wouldn't want me. I'm stupid and worthless." he says sadly.

"Actually, it's just the opposite. We do want you, you are a very bright young wizard and you are worth more than you could ever think." I hear Dad say from behind me, starling me. I jump and end up falling off my chair and into the floor.

"Really? You want me to be a part of your family, Professor Dumbledore?" Harry says happily.

"Of course!" I say at the same time as Dad as I get off the floor.

"I really want to be a part of your family. I would do anything to have what Alexis has." Harry says.

"There will be rules and consequences. The consequences aren't abusive. She knows firsthand how you feel, and she is fine now, after quite a few spankings. She is about to be fed like a baby in front of her friends. I will be back later with the rest of our family, Harry." As he starts to walk back to the Great Hall. I stay put, so Dad comes and picks me up and carries me to the Great Hall while attracting stares. I start to struggle right before he goes in.

"I'll walk!" I say. He puts me down and I walk in and sit down quickly. I start eating hoping Dad won't carry out his threat, but he sits next to me anyways. I unhappily let him feed me as I glare at Fred and George, Ron's twin brothers who are laughing so hard their faces match their hair. Finally, my torture is done and Dad, Mom, me, Sev, Remus and Sirius all go to talk to Harry. Eventually it is decided that Harry is going to be Harry James Dumbledore. He all are crying and hugging each other.

"You can call me Dad if you want to, but you don't have to." Dad explains once the paperwork has disappeared.

"I want to call you Dad." Harry says.

"Then that is settled. Lets go over rules and consequences." Dad says. I groan, but wisely get quiet at a glare from Dad.

"Rules are as follows: No fighting, No Cussing, No drugs or alcohol or anything illegal. Keep your grades up, Be respectful, and most of all DON'T PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER. Consequences are grounding, time out, and/or a spanking. A spanking is out of love. What you got was out of hatred and jealousy. There is a difference. Also, a spanking is some swats with a hand or other implement only on your butt. Any questions?" Dad says.

"No." Harry replies.

"Okay. Poppy said she will release you now." Sev says. Harry jumps off the bed and hugs Mom, then Dad, then Sev, then Sirius, then Remus. I pout and he hugs me.

"What should I call you three?" He asks Sev, Remus, and Sirius.

"I'm Severus or just Sev, if you prefer."

"I'm Remus."

"And I'm Sirius."

"He's completely Sirius." I laugh, stealing my brother's punchline.

"Hey! That's my line!" Sirius pouts, coming over and tickling me. I laugh until I can't breathe. I see Harry looking at us longingly, so I whisper in Sirius's ear and tell him to tickle Harry. He obeys. By the time we go with Sev to our first class, Potions, we were both out of breath.

"Go in and sit down. I have to make an appearance."Sev says, grinning evilly. We go into the classroom and find our seats in the front to wait on Sev. When he throws open the door and billows in, I can't help myself and both Harry and me start laughing, causing the rest of the Gryffindors to join in. Sev looks at us, and tries not to laugh also. He succeeds and glares at us.

"If you can't stop laughing I'll have to deduct points for disturbing class, Mr. and Ms. Dumbledore." Sev drawls. We all calm down and Sev starts teaching. He wisely doesn't ask me questions because he taught me some last summer. At the end of class, Gryffindor has gained 20 points and Slytherin has lost 10 for disrupting. We go to our other classes (with lunch in the middle) and then to dinner. I eat willingly both times. We have a family meeting after dinner, and Dad announces that Harry is officially never going back to his Aunt and Uncle's house. Soon, it is time to go to bed. I fall asleep quickly.

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