Call to The Wild

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Zahara's pov

We walked into the woods as we met up with the pack.

I looked at Willa, Wynter, Fabian and the werewolves saying

"Hey guys"

Before they said hey, they heard Abu who was in my jacket making noise as Willa looks at me upset saying

"What's that?"

I looked at her saying

"Oh That's my robot friend Abu."

I opened my jacket revealing Abu as he flew out saying


Willa calmed down as we started walking to where ever we was going to.

As we're walking in the woods, Addison looks at everyone and say

"Where are we going?"

Wynter looked at Addison saying

"It's a wolf secret. If we told you, we'd have to kill you and Zahara *looks at me* Sorry"

I just shrugged my shoulders as Willa and Wyatt looks at Wynter confused and Fabian hits his sister in the arm and say

"Stop trying to scare them"

Wynter mumbles


She looks at Addison and I saying

"Too much, too much, I knew it. Sorry. Welcome!"

Wyatt, Fabian, Willa was still looking at her as she looks at them then at Addison and me saying

"But not too welcome!"

Wynter growls but then her eyes and necklace flashes green as Fabian looked at her worried saying

"Sis, are you okay?"

Wynter nodded her head yes as she grabs her necklace looking at me and Addison saying

"My necklace is losing its charge."

Wyatt looks at us saying

"Every day, more and more of our pack becomes sick because their moonstones lose their power. All of our elders are too sick to travel, which leaves..."

Willa interrupts Wyatt saying

"...which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me."

Willa looks at Wynter placing her hand on her shoulder saying

"You'll be fine, Wynter. I promise."

I can't believe this was happening to them all because of Seabrook stealing something that wasn't theirs

Willa looks at Wyatt saying

"You'd better be right about this. We need to find the moonstone soon."

Willa took Wynter inside the cave with the help of her brother Fabian as Wyatt came up to us saying

"Follow us, Addison and Zahara. Please" as we followed him into the cave.

Third pov

Zed runs out of his house to Eliza and Bonzo saying

"You guys! I have to go apologize to Addison right now."

Bonzo looks at Eliza and say


Eliza looks at Bonzo saying

Yeah I know, I want to see it too."

Eliza looks at Zed and say

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