Like The Zombies Do

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Wyatt's pov

After school, We all was in Zombietown sitting outside of the grocer.

Willa was reading the books as she looked at me upset and say

"Useless. None of these history books say where the moonstone is hidden."

I just shrugged as I was looking over at Zahara who was talking to someone making me a little jealous.

Willa followed my gaze and saw that I was looking at Zahara as she looks at me upset saying

"Wyatt what's up with you and the girl?"

I looked at her and say

"Nothing's going. Why you say that?"

Willa looks at me and say

"Because every time I talked, I see you looking over at her in lovey dovey way. Not to mention, I saw you two smiling at each other. Wyatt, we're here to find the moonstone. Not fall in love. You need to focus."

I looked at Willa saying

"I'm focus ok. Nothing's is going on between me and her ok."

Willa looks at me saying

"Ok, I believe you"

Zahara's pov

I was walking with my little sister Zoey, my brother Zed and Eliza as Zed looks at us and say

"Win the wolves' vote, win the election. Easy."

I smiled patting his back saying

"You got this"

Zed gives me a smile as he walked over to the wolves and say

"Hello wolves, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zed, zombie, football star, presidential hopeful." Sticking his hand out for a shake but they didn't shake it.

Zed puts his hand down saying

"Okay... I know you all have met talented adoptive sister Zahara here"

I smiled saying

"Hello" as I looked at Wyatt with a smile which he smiles but we quickly looked away.

Zed and Willa noticed it but didn't say anything as I looks at them and say

"When zombies first came to Seabrook, we were outsiders, too."

Eliza looks at them and say

"Which is why you need a great president like Zed to represent you."

I smiled saying

"We'd be honored if you guys joined us."

Wynter gets up from the table looking at us and say

"Our pack is our pack."

Fabian looks at us upset saying

"We don't need anyone else, so back off"

Then my little sister Zoey looks at them and saying

"Who doesn't want more friends? Underneath all that fluffy hair, I bet you're a real softie."

I chuckled at my little sister's kindness as Wynter and Fabian squats down to her height looking at her and say

"We're a mean, mean werewolf, kid. We're am tough and rough."

Zoey smiles not being scared of Wynter and Fabian saying

"Aww, you guys said "ruff." Like a sweet little puppy dog. Ruff, ruff!"

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