- Pillars and The Sun -

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The sun was shining happily. A good omen. Today was going to be a good day. At least thats what the young boy, I was, told himself. His hair was a mess, he was a mess. Fifteen, a weird age. Most teenagers would be in the middle of freshmen year, not him. No, he wanted to join the Galaxy Garrison. It might have been the biggest mistake of my, or his, or... Our life; but then again I might have never met Adam. Who would I have been if I hadn't met him? Would I have met Keith? I wouldn't be here fighting The Galra Empire, Zarkon. Adam made me feel safe, and confident when my parents tried nothing but to change me for simply existing and being happy. So maybe after all it wasn't a mistake. Maybe it was the best decision of my life.

It was my first day at the Garrison. I was a horribly nervous teen and my parents weren't helping. I woke up to them arguing again but this time I was blessed with the beauty of the sun. His golden rays shined blissfully through the cracks of my blinds. A soft smile graced my lips. It was a beautiful day, though I wished to have seen how beautiful the sunrise shined over our planet this very morning. How beautiful it must have been to those who did have the pleasure of seeing it's beauty. The sound of my mother cursing at my father broke me out of the peaceful trance I was in. They would fight often, or they wouldn't speak to eachother at all. It was a never ending battle.

A sigh escaped my lips as I got out of bed to start the day. Quietly, as to not disturb my parents, I prepared myself to leave my bedroom for the bathroom to get ready for the long day I was about to have. As I held on to metallic door knob the sound of my father's voice got louder. Suffocating, deafing.

"Shiro?" and just like that I was awake again. My vision was blurred and my head hurt. I guess Adam and I could only ever exist in dreams. My head ever so slightly turned to look at whoever spoke my name so softly.

Splotches of red. Keith. I hated how he much he worried for me. Like I was a fragile peice of glass that needed protecting. I despised it. That being said I would never ask him to stop. I don’t think he realizes I need him just as much as he needs me, if not more. He had gained a father figure the day we met and I had gained a son. One I wouldn't trade even for the world.

"Hey," he so softly and gently spoke. Worry, that was the first thing I noticed. "What happened out there?"

My vision cleared slowly as my heavy eyes opened and closed equally as slow, but my voice. Words refused to come out. How was I supposed clear the worry from this poor boy's head. I needed to tell him I was okay and he didn't need to worry, but I just couldn't anymore. I had finally broke. Tears, I felt them burn my skin with shame.

After all this time, why now. In front of someone who looked up to me as if I was hid Father. A unbreakable pillar of patience and an answer to everyone's problems; but I just couldn't do it anymore.

"I'm sorry," I managed to whisper. "I'm so sorry." I couldn't help but stare that horrified look on his face. I watched as his whole world broke in his eyes, and I could tell he knew. He knew why I felt like this.

When Keith had met Adam it felt like my world became whole. Like everything I was missing finally found its way to me.

He placed a gentle hand on each of my shoulders trying to keep me awake this time but my body couldn't take it anymore.

The sun. Oh how it had distracted me from the awkward stares at breakfast. Had it always looked this beautiful? The walk to bus station was quiet. I enjoyed the quiet. The peace it brought to those who would listen.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and had bumped into someone. They made a sound of frustration as I did so. A boy, my age it seemed. In the collision most of his books and papers seemed to have fallen the ground. I reached down to help because it was the polite thing to do and it was my fault.

Our fingers had lightly brushed against eachother. "Oh sorry...-" I had suddenly became completely aware of how close we were as we both look up. He had freckles you probably wouldn't notice from a distance. He practically glowed in the sun light. He was beautiful. I became embarrassingly aware of my beating heart. Could he hear it? God I hope not. Was this normal?

I handed him the paper I had grabbed. He sighed, clearly upset. "Uh, thanks... I guess." He stood back up as the bus slowly approached. I followed suit. Why couldn't I stop staring? "Watch where you're going next time, okay?"

"I- yeah!" I shook my head suddenly embarrased with the whole transaction.  "I'm sorry, I'm Takashi, by the way. Takashi Shirogane." My voice was all of a sudden really high pitch as I stuck my hand out for him to shake.

He softly and quietly laughed at my suffering. "Adam." he replied as he grabbed my hand in turn. The bus finally arrived. He let go of my hand and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it. "You wanna sit with me?" he asked. I nodded my head as he laughed once more.

How I wished this would last for forever.

A/N: I am so sorry this took so long!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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