10. City of Bones

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Daphne did, in fact, not have sweet dreams that night.

The room was all gold and white, with high walls that gleamed like enamel, and a roof, high above, clear and glittering like diamonds. 

Daphne wore a green velvet dress and carried a gold fan in her hand. Her hair, twisted into an elegant bun on the back of her head made her head feel strangely heavy every time she turned to look behind her. 

"Where are your eyes wandering, love?" A familiar, boyish voice teased. Daphne suddenly found herself staring into Jace's tawny, golden eyes, which sparkled with mischievous delight. "Surely, you don't see someone more interesting than me?"

He steered her through the crowd as though she were a leaf caught in a river current. He was wearing all black, similar to their typical Shadowhunter gear. 

Jace had always been a very attractive person, Daphne thought. She knew that. He knew that. Everyone knew that. It wasn't as though it was particularly strange for anyone to be taking note of his handsome features—no, in fact, it would be much stranger if one wasn't taken in by how his beautiful, golden hair glinted underneath the extravagant lights, or how his fair, pale skin glowed with vitality and youth. 

"Who could ever possibly be more interesting than you, Jace Wayland?" She responded teasingly as he slowly twirled her around once, twice. 

"I don't know. Who could be more interesting than Jace Wayland?" A new, darker voice taunted.

Daphne startled at the new sound. Suddenly, it was no longer Jace standing in front of her, but a different boy—with hair so fair it was practically white. He spun her around, smooth, cold hands taking hers as they waltzed around the ballroom. The boy gave her an idle, teasing grin, eyes lazily trailing up her figure while a lofty smirk remained on his face. 

He was handsome, Daphne realized. She couldn't truly see the boy's faceonly catch glimpses of features here and therea sharp jaw line, high cheekbones, charming dark eyes, black as night. But Daphne could feel it—she knew how innately beautiful the boy before her was, even as his features blurred into nothingness before her eyes. She couldn't recall what he looked like, even while she stared at his face. But she knew she was staring into a face crafted by the angels themselves. 

"Or their more devilish counterparts." The boy laughed. Daphne blinked, warily. He could hear her thoughts?

Of course I can hear your thoughts, idiot." The boy teased. "I'm inside your head, after all. This is your dream."

"Why are you here?" Daphne's body was tense under his fingertips. "Who are you?"  She felt like a cornered panther, growling and predacious, ready to strike.

The dance ended, and couples around them bowed to each other and began to disperse. The boy bent slowly, bringing his head to her hand. His lips brushed against her fingers."There is darkness in you, my love." The boy murmured against them. "I can see it. I can feel it."

Daphne blinked in surprise. "What?" She said, warily.

His eyes looked up, and with a start, Daphne realized just how dark they truly were. She had never seen a shade of black darker than his. His lips moved slowly against her fingers as he talked, and she couldn't hold back the shiver that crept through her body. His lips were cold. Like a frozen tundra in the arctic. But they were oh, so soft.

"I will find you one day, my love." He promised, sinful eyes staring into hers. "I will find you. And I will break you. Until the only thing left is the darkness within. Only then, can we truly be together."

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