Episode One: The Wilds

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*School Bell rings* Leah looks up at the clock from her book. Fuck, I'm gonna be late for class. Running through the halls she turns the corner at full speed until-
"Oh. My. God," Fatin Jamandi exclaims as she lays on the ground soaked from her starbucks frappuccino. Her expression was blank but deep inside she was filled with anger.
"Oh, I am so so sorry, here let me help you." Leah extends her arm to help Fatin up.
"I can help myself thank you very much," Fatin responded as she clenched her lips together, never looking Leah directly into her eyes.
"Oh okay..." Leah says to herself. There was something about that girl, she had seen
her around and everyone knew Fatin, she was the "It girl" of East Bay Academy of Arts, Best Cello player in the school, but through her brown earthly eyes she could tell there was a lot more to her than she thought.

"LEAH" Fatin yells. "Snap out of it! Come on we're going downstairs searching the building for supplies, hopefully a radio or a... phone... or something." Even Fatin sounded unconvinced.
Leah stood, gazing out into the horizon. The island. Even if it wasn't the same island she was used to, she felt as if she had lived here for the past 51 days.
"Is she okay?" Martha peaks through the door. Always being the heart of the group.
Fatin sadly smiled. "Give her some time. How are the others?"
"Awful. Well, we're mostly just hungry I guess. I don't even know most of their names yet, we've just been kind of distraught." She shrugs.
"Me too. God this whole thing is fucked up. Leah and I will be down in a few, don't worry Marty."
Martha nods her head and exits.
"Fatin." Leah's raspy voice cracks a tiny bit. The first time she's spoken in 20 minutes.
"I'm here. Whatever you need. What's up." Fatin was serious. She knew how fragile of a state Leah was in.
"Remember back when we were in school and there was this one time when I bumped into you and your coffee spilled everywhere and you like totally hated me."
"Woah. Hold up. I did not hate you, and secondly, this is whats been going on in your head for the past 20 minutes?"
Leah's eyes stay locked into the horizon. She shrugs her shoulders quickly. "Who woulda thought we'd be stuck on an island together keeping each other sane."
Fatins laughs. She reaches out and hugs Leah. "I do more than just keep you sane."
"Really how so?" Leah jokes around.
They turn and face each other. Fatin looks into her ocean blue eyes, the same blue as the ocean in front of them. "I-" she starts but pauses.
"Let's go" Leah takes her hand and the two walk down the staircase.
They walk in on the group, even bigger now with the boys, sitting in a circle eating bags of chips.
"Kirin smashed the vending machine so we have some snacks," Ivan explained.
"Noted." Fatin says as her and Leah sit to join them.
"I'm gonna go use the bathroom if that's okay," Leah says to Fatin.
"Want me to come with? I know personally I'd always have someone-"
"I'm fine" she smiles. "I've just been holding in my pee for so long," Leah makes a face. "I'll be back."
"Somethings starting to look familiar here," Shelby leans over. "Trust me honey you do not wanna be the overprotective type it just doesn't work out."
"You and Toni still... haven't talked?" Fatin changes the subject.
"She won't even look at me. I mean yes the hair change is a little drastic but, i just, there are times when i really need her and now is one of those times."
"Hey," Fatin grabs Shelbys hands. "It's Toni we're talking about, sometimes you gotta let the storm rain down until the flowers bloom again."
Shelby smiles.
"Hey wheres Leah? It's been like 5 minutes no pee takes 5 minutes."
"Maybe she got her period or something," Raf butts in.
Fatin ignores him. "LEAH...! LEAH!"
The rest of the group becomes alert.
"Okay where the hell did she go now?" Toni says, annoyed.
Fatin gets up and runs into the hallway. "LEAH!"
The rest of the girls hurry alongside her.
"So... are we gonna follow them or..." Bo asks.
"We should help them," Raf looks up at the boys. "We gotta stick together and work together."
They nod in unison and get up to help the girls.
"LEAH! What the hell are you doing here?!" Rachel motions the others to a small room with many monitors.
"No power. No phones. No radio. I lost. It was all...for nothing. We're never getting off this stupid godforsaken island because we have... nothing."
"Here she goes again," Toni rolls her eyes.
"Shut up, can't you see she's had enough?" Marty says, enraged.
"Fuck. Haven't we all had enough? Just because shes mental doesn't mean she should have all of us baby her all the time, watching her, making sure she doesn't try to kill herself again."
Everyone goes silent.
Shelby looks at Toni, tears forming in her eyes.
"Fuck. You." She says before she leaves the room. One by one everyone else begins to follow. Raf and Fatin stay behind.
"Don't listen to her, she doesn't know what she's saying," Raf says, then he exits with the rest.
Fatin stands with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I hate the way you make me feel."
"Maybe you just hate me. Can't you just admit that. I'm like a baby, like Toni said. I always have to be the problem. Just go already."
"I'm not leaving you."
"Fatin. Get the fuck out of here."
Fatin angrily glares at Leah. She doesn't know what to do. What her heart Vs what her brain says. Finally, without a word, she leaves.


Dot walks over to Fatin, who is setting up her bed. "Hey, I found a stash of electric toothbrushes in one of the rooms, with brand new batteries too," she jokes.
Fatin looks up and half smiles. "Funny."
"You wanna talk? I'm kinda bored since everyone else is sleeping." She takes a seat on Fatin's half made bed.
"Oh so you're my therapist now, I see," Fatin says sarcastically.
"Call me Dr. Campbell."
"Okay... Doctor... I have this "thing" that won't go away. How do I make it... go away?"
"That "thing" what are we talking about here?"
"Like..." she pauses. Hesitant on the next words that come out of her mouth. "Feelings?? On someone."
"Can I take a wild guess and say... Kirin?"
"EW WHAT NO! He is totally not my type," Fatin laughs.
Dot grins. "I'm just fucking with you Fatin, I know it's Leah."
She rolls her eyes. "I just... I don't think I've ever been in love before. At least, not the way I love her."
"Fuck. That's like the sweetest thing i've ever heard. But if you love her, why do you want those feelings to go away?"
"Because-" Fatin pauses. She knew exactly why. "I don't believe in love."
"Dude you literally just said you were in love with her-"
"-I know! But... it never lasts. Love doesn't last, it just fucks people up. I mean, look at Shoni for fucks sake!"
"Shelby and Toni. Am I the only one who knows what that means? Anyways yeah long story short, never fall in love with anyone, but yourself. That's how you become your greatest self."
"Well let me know how it goes," Dot yawns and lays on her bed.
"Dorothy! Aren't you my therapist? I need some advice here."
"Closed." She jokes as she closes her eyes.
Fatin smiled. She admired Dorothy's charm. "Goodnight Dottie."
Fatin walks up to the room and opens the door, to find Leah, asleep on the floor. She takes a blanket and puts it on her, as well as a pillow to put under her head. She bends down and gives her a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight Leah," she says as she walks out the door."
Leah, who was secretly awake, smiles warmly.
Goodnight, Fatin.

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