House x reader - be there

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The moment you woke up you knew it was going to be a hard day, you tried everything you could to avoid anything that would make it hard for you.

Standing in the hallway, you were reviewing a patient file when a light buzz started to fill your ears. You tried to ignoring it but then the sounds of machines beeping followed, people talking, the strong scent of Chases aftershave.

Your senses were in over drive and you couldnt handle it.

Slamming your file on to the desk, you knelt down and covered your ears.

(Y/N)? Foreman asked worried.

Someone get Dr House! Chase yelled.

You flinched at his loud tone and he was quick to apologise. They made sure that you were given your space, they closed all the patient room doors.

Wheres House? Cameron whispered.

I dont know, find him. Chase whispered back.

You stared to move back and forth on your heels, lightly hitting your head against your knees.

After a few moments a hand was placed under your forehead to stop you from hitting it, one was placed on one ear and your other was pressed against a chest.

The sound of Houses heartbeat filled your ears instead of all the noise around.

A jacket was draped over you, blocking out the light and taking over the strong smell of aftershave.

Just breathe. House muttered.

He looked around, anyone that gave you a strange look was quickly scared off by the glare house gave them.

Are they okay? Foreman asked.

Fine get back to work.

House gently tugged you up by your arm, making sure to keep your ears covered, he started to slowly lead you to somewhere.

Once you guys reached your destination he pulled the door shut and took his jacket from your head.

It was darker in this room, the sounds were blocked out and everyone was calmer here.

You started to pace, clasping and unclasping your hands together as you avoided looking at him.

What happened?

You gave a small shrug.


House wasnt one to push you to speak, only when he knew that you could but were struggling to get your words out. Even then he would offer you words instead trying to help.

House simply sat on his desk and folded his arms across his chest as he watched you.

You hands went from clasping to tapping the side of your leg.

Hey, come here.

You padded over, still tapping your leg. House reached you, hesitated before laying his hands over yours, stopping you.

Dont do that, itll bruise. Here.

Taking your hand, house placed a stress ball in your palm, allowing you to fiddle with that instead.

After a little while you had mostly calmed down but you were still pacing.

The light in the hallway needs fixed.

Which one?

Above the nurses station.

House nodded, pulling his phone out he sent a text.

Okay. Are you able to go back outside?

No thank you.

House gave a little laugh and nodded his head, pulling his chair from around his desk he pointed to it.

You wanna sit down?


What do you want to do then?


House smiled and shook his head at you, pulling some files from his draw.

Here, these are old case files. Something I keep to train new doctors. I want you to figure out what these patients are suffering from.

You nodded and walked over, sitting down you took a file and started to read it. Reaching up, you pulled Houses jacket from him and put it over your shoulders as you read.

House did have work he was supposed to do, but keeping an eye on you was more important someone else could do his work for now.

Grabbing another chair, he sat next to you, watching you work.

You worried him sometimes, but he knew you were just as good as everyone else. Even better than most, which was way despite everyones arguments he wasnt going to let you go because you were by far his favorite and a damn good doctor

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