Doctor House

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How they react when they realize you're jealous

When house figures out you're jealous of someone he's been talking to, he'll exacerbate the problem, and feign innocence at knowing you were jealous of them spending time with him, just to see you get mad. Eventually he'll come clean and tell you he knows how you feel and end your torture.

Spending Christmas

House isn't a fan of Christmas , so it's to no surprise that you don't really do anything special when you're stuck working on a case that day. Having successfully diagnosed by the end of the day, you're excited to go home, only to find a gift from House in your car when you go to leave. He may not have wanted to make a show of it, but he did care and that was enough to bring a smile to your face.

Seeing you cry

Upon spotting you in tears, House would wordlessly leave whatever he was doing and come to sit next to you. He wouldn't say anything he'd just be there in silent support, making sure no one else bothered you.

Making up after a fight

House does not like to apologize, and unless it's something super serious, he won't admit to being in the wrong at all. He will, however, leave you some flowers to show you ge wants to make amends, and leave it up to you to call him when you're ready to forgive him

First Date

House will have forgotten all about your first date. He's not used to dating and it doesn't really take center stage in his mind. You'd have to remind him about it for sure, but he'd make it up to you by taking you out somewhere really nice, and complimenting you all night.

When they're jealous

House will always deny being jealous, even after it becomes obvious that he is. And he'll act like even more of an ass when he's feeling threatened. Not to you, at best, he'll avoid you, but for the person he's jealous of, he'll make their life a living hell until they finally snap and ask what his problem is, where he'll tell them to stay away from you.

When you're jealous

when House figures out you're jealous of someone he's been talking to, he'll exacerbate the problem, and feign innocence at knowing you were jealous of them spending time with him, just to see you get mad. Eventually he'll come clean and tell you he knows how you feel and end your torture.

Living with them

living with House would be a nightmare at first. He's used to living alone, so it would be quite an adjustment having you there. You'd always be in each other's space the first couple of week, but by the end of the first month, you'd both wonder how it had taken you so long to move in together

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