House MD - House: Names

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Its almost midnight when he finally returns to your room, rare smile gracing his features. You note the exhaustion showing on his face; hes been up since early this morning.

Hey, he greets as he walks up to your bedside.

The aroma of gourmet coffee escaping his cardboard cup attracts your attention and you look at it longingly.

Not a chance, he tells you, when he sees you eyeing his cup as though it was nectar for the gods.

But House, you whine; eliciting a laugh from him in the process.

Should I be offended that you want my coffee more than you want me, right now? he asks, expression dubious, though you can hear the smile in his voice so you know hes just pushing your buttons.

If he had a choice and his patient wasnt on the verge of death, he never wouldve left your side at all today.

(Y/N), how are you feeling? he asks you and this time all trace of joking have vanished. You see the concern in his gaze and the slight wavering of his voice alerts you to just how scared he is.

You pat the empty spot on your bed, calling him to you.

Im fine, House, you try to reassure him, but youre not sure if he believes you, so you continue talking. Despite the fact that you think Thirteen and Chase arent up-to-standard-doctors, they really did take care of me, and Wilson spent the better part of the day seated in that chair, you point to the chair in question, and if there really was cause for concern, any one of them wouldve came to you.

Besides, do you really think they wouldve chanced anything happening to me without you finding out? I think theyre too afraid of the consequences, you tell him.

Now how about that coffee, you try to lighten the mood and it works, for now.

No, House responds and takes a sip of the drink just to annoy you further.

Youre about to complain again, but before any sound leaves you, you feel his lips on yours in the softest kiss. Its slow and gentle and passionate and all encompassing and it leaves you out of breath.

Thats all youre getting for the near future so hes cut off mid-sentence by a cry from the other side of the room. You both turn to the direction of the cry.

Time for a feed, the nurse, Elaine, says as she wheels the bassinet into your room.

If shes surprised at House in your room at midnight, she gives no indication of it, she simply goes about her task of handing you your now eighteen-hour old daughter so you can nurse. You and House sit in awed silence at the child in your arms.

Nurse Elaine returns twenty minutes later to collect your child to change her diaper and return her to the nursery for the rest of the night, or until she needs a feed.

Shes beautiful, one of the cutest babies Ive seen, Elaine tells you and you think she says that to every new-borns parent, and believe me when I say that cause Ive seen a lotta babies and some of them, they arent as good lookin as yours, she winks at you and then turns to House.

Elaine turns to House, who is now seated on the Lazy-Boy, which hes pushed closer to your bed. I think she looks like you, you know. Got your eyes and smile.

Shes almost done diapering your kid up when you hear Houses voice, Well, I would hope so, since shes mine! Now, bring me my mini-me, we have father-daughter bonding to do, he tells Elaine. And do not do up the snaps on her onesie.

Youd already had your Kangaroo time with your kid and now House wants the same.

You wait until Elaine has left the room, no doubt going to spread the news about your kids paternity, and hes settled with the baby on his chest before talking. Its a wonder how you and House managed to keep it secret until after your baby was born. Youd thought Chase wouldve at least gotten a clue after the hints House had dropped.

House, she needs a name, I thought you could pick one out for her, you tell him.

Youd come up with a few but House had said to wait until she was born and a name would come to you, but eighteen hours later, you still dont have a clue.

Emma Jaqueline House, but we call her Jack, he replied and Jack gives her approval as well with a soft sigh.

(Y/N), I love you, he tells you as you drift off to sleep.


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