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Youd always been the type that didnt want to be tied down, no obligations, no connections, no strings. It was safer that way, you didnt stand too close to the fire and you wouldnt get burned. And when youd met Gregory House, you figured he was cut from the same inner protective cloth as you. Which is why you didnt really hesitate before agreeing to hang out with him. Thats all it was at first of course, hanging out, but soon the feelings the both of you seemingly shared toward relationships and people took a different turn.

When that happened, the two of you decided that it was probably for the best that you went your separate ways for a bit. After all, when you both started having these feelings youd already tested your resistance until you felt it wearing thin. Somehow, the very rigid Dr. House had worn your feelings down to a squeaking little nub, that only he had control over.

But, try as you might, to escape before the roof caved in and the fire burned you, you still both seemed to gravitate towards one another. It was strange, after two months of radio silence from each other that youd meet on your front porch of all places. Your coat haphazardly slung over your shoulders as you dug through your purse for your keys. Pulling them from your purse, you quickly flung the front door open, your eyes meeting his stormy blue ones that showed fear for about a nanosecond.

You too, were shocked as you stood there, mouth slightly agape as you looked at the one man you were headed out to see. His wrinkled button up shirt halfway hidden by his leather jacket that he wore everywhere. You both stood there staring at each other, your mind screaming at you to make up an excuse so you could dash out and get away from him. Your body however, seemed to beg you to stay as your feet remained planted to the wooden floor.

You longed for nothing more than to hold him close, to love him until the mornings light cracked through the darkness. Normal mornings found you alone, your tired eyes opening to greet the drab white ceiling instead of the blue eyes you so longed to wake up too.

I was just going - He started, the wheels in his mind obviously turning to look for an out. You wouldnt allow him an out though, the memories of the past calling out to you, making your battle to escape weaken.

Stay, please. You interrupted, your hand reaching out to take his free one in an effort to tether him to the deck. The sound of your plea making him smile and you blush and bite down on your lower lip. Your eyes locked as he moved closer, his much larger hand resting on your cheek for a moment before your lips met. Your hands in a frenzied blur to pull him closer as you inhaled deeply. Your lips tingling along with the rest of your body, your chest rising and your breathing constricted at the feeling of his lips on yours.

You werent sure if hed been the one to initiate or if you had, but at this point you didnt care. All you knew was that you had to have him and him alone, House

His name barely audible as it left your lips, hands running down his shoulders to clutch either side of his jacket, as he nuzzled into your neck. His lips beginning a tender assault on the delicate flesh, his lips turning up into a smile at the mewl that left your lips.

Do you think I could come in before everyone sneaks a peek of my erection? His voice low and his tone teasing as his eyes studied your face. Your cheeks red from his comment and a shy smile on your face, before you beckoned him to come inside. Your fingers lacing with his as you lead him to your sofa, both of you silent, you didnt exactly know what to say, and it seemed he didnt either. It was odd, the person youd been the closest too you couldnt find anything to say too, and it seemed he couldnt find anything to say to you.

So, howve you - you started, only to stop when you were met with the intensity of his stare, your eyes flitting from his to the couch cushion, howve you been?

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