wait what

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"I can't do this

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"I can't do this. I. Can. Not. Do. This." I say to Rory as we stand by my locker. Rory is determined to get me to ask Nate to be my escort for the debutante ball today. She has been bugging me about it all day and now that lunch has finally rolled around she is more determined than ever.

"Come on you want him to be your date don't you, so just go for it. The chance of rejection is low I'm sure of it," she tells me. I shoot her a look.

"All I got from that was 'chance of rejection' but really great pep talk," I tell her still glaring at her.

"We are past a pep talk. I'm trying to rip the bandaid right off. Let's go," she says while linking our arms and directing us toward the cafeteria. When we make our way into the cafeteria Rory's eyes begin to scan over everyone looking for Nate.

"Oh, there he is," she says and tries to pull me in his direction.

"Nope not doing it," I say trying to escape her grasp and when I finally do I take a seat at one of the tables. I hear Rory let out a sigh but she follows after me taking the seat across from me.

"You are being ridiculous," she says.

"Yeah well, I don't even care anymore," I tell her.

"I have not once seen you get this nervous over a guy before. You have always been miss confident when it comes to these things so what's got you so worked up this time around?" she asks me genuinely. I let out a small breath. She wasn't wrong I hadn't been this flustered over a boy since I was in elementary school. It's not that I thought so highly of myself but I knew I was good with people guys, girls, adults it didn't matter I liked talking to people and making friends and people seemed to like talking to me as well. But Nate freaking Mikaelson had me completely flustered. Nate and I have been friends since I started at Chilton but ever since we hung out after school a few days ago and I realized I defiantly had feelings for him it's like I didn't know how to act around him anymore. I had been slightly avoiding him because anytime he tried talking to me I could feel my face heat up and I'd get all flustered, I was sure I looked and sounded like an idiot.

"I don't know it's just different now, he's different. I really don't know," I tell her honestly.

"Who's different?" I hear someone say from behind me causing me to jump in my seat a bit. I immediately recognize the voice behind me making me whip my head around to face them. I am met with Nate Mikaelson staring right back at me with a grin on his face.

"Oh um nothing or um nobody," I tell him already feeling myself getting nervous.

"Mind if I sit? I don't wanna intrude," he asks me and all I can do is stare back at him.

"We wouldn't mind at all, right Ellie," my sister tells him while giving me a smug smile.

"So what were you two talking about?" Nate asks.

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