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This was started January 4th 2019. 

I stepped out of the shower, freezing because of the now gone warm water. I quickly dried my body and hair and then got dressed. I slipped on my pastel (f/b) (favorite band) t shirt and a pastel skater skirt to match. I put on some knee high white socks that had grey rings around the top and my (f/s) (favorite shoes). I hop down the stairs, grab my backpack, grab an apple for breakfast, and head out the door.

Today is my first day of school. It's the middle of the school year and I'm super excited it have no friends.

I walk up to my school, here goes nothing. When I get inside the hallways are full of people shouting and running around. I push my way to my locker and shove my backpack inside, making sure I have the things I need for my first class. I'm still quite a bit early, about 20 minutes or so, so I just stand by my locker until a boy walks up to me, he had brown emo hair and a weird brown tan. His brown hair was obviously straightened and swept to his left, somewhat covering his eye. I was about 5 or so inches shorter than him at 5'6 foot, he was probably 5'11 or so.

"Hey," He started and smiled, "I'm Dan, you the new girl?" I just nod. He was kinda cute, not my type though.

"Hey! Don't go stealing my man!" A boy with black hair similar to Dan's, only swept to the right, and blue eyes ran up and jumped on Dan's back. He was a bit taller than Dan, maybe 6'2 at the most.

"This is Phil, my... best friend." I nod, signaling that I understand.

"Who's this, Dan?" Phil asked curiously, not in a mean way, just a very curious way, like a young child would ask about a present on Christmas if they couldn't guess what it was.

"Uhh... I don't know honestly. She's the new girl, but I haven't gotten her name yet."

"(Y/N). And, y'know.. I think you guys would make a good couple. You're cute together." They both blush furiously. The bell rings and as I walk past Dan I poke him in the side and whisper: "He likes you, I'm sure of it. He's a keeper." and with that I walk off to class.

~Time skip of the century~

It was finally lunch time and just as I expected, I have no friends yet, I'll have to sit alone. I walk to the lunch room and just my luck, all the tables are full. I just stand by the door for a while, when a boy with red floofy hair walks up to me. He was slightly taller than me, not super tall, but it was noticeable that he was taller. He was probably around 5'9, 5'10. He was quite cute, but I don't think you could say I 'have a crush on him'. And even if I did, he was obviously a jock so he'd never like me, a, I guess you could say nerd.

"Hey, the name's Mark. Phil told me him and Dan you and saw you were alone so they told me to come tell you that you could sit with us." I nod and follow him to his table.

Phil smiles and waves, "Hi (Y/N)!"

"Hey Phil."

Chapter Two

~Time skip to a few weeks later~

I walk home from school, throwing myself on my bed and just laying there. Mark had decided that he personally needed to bully me mentally at first and recently, physically. Normally the other boys would bully people, like Jack, Felix, Ethan, PJ, or Chris, but Mark would bully the people that they especially hated and I don't know why they hated me so much. Dan and Phil were always against the bullying and Dan wasn't even one of the jocks originally. Phil isn't really sporty or anything, but he was a good friend of Mark's from a few years back so he just became 'one of them'. Dan was one of the 'emo kids' but Phil had a soft spot for him, Dan seemed really self-absorbed and uncaring at first, but when Phil got to know him he was actually really kind and lovely. Phil wasn't supposed to hang out with the 'emos', 'nerds', 'art lovers', or generally just anyone that isn't popular according to Mark because he apparently got to tell everyone in the jocks who they could be friends with, but Phil found his ways around the rules. Dan didn't like Mark for the longest time but Phil convinced him to just be normal, be kind and lovely, like he was and Dan did, so Mark gave in, just this once. I never even did anything to them, but Mark just decided he hated me and started bullying me. Phil tries to get him to stop and Dan gives me apologetic looks and says that he feels bad after, but that doesn't mean anything to me. I finally found a few friends, we don't really all have something in common, we just have something different in common with each person, like Clover and I both like baking (even though we're really really bad at it), Willow and I both like musicals, and Aiden and I both like (f/b). So we don't really have a title (for example the 'nerds' or the 'jocks') we're kinda just the 'weirdos' according to Mark. I've developed a crush on Mark and it sucks because I know how much he hates me. I'll just have to get over it and I've tried, but no matter what I do it doesn't go away. I even asked Dan and Phil for help when they came round my house last week, before Mark 'banned them from hanging out with me'. I found it quite stupid that they had to do everything Mark says, but they told me it was fine and that he never did anything unreasonable. I think this is pretty unreasonable, maybe it's just me though. I had run into Phil at the park when my mom had forced me to go and he gave me his phone number so we could still talk without Mark knowing. He told me that Dan said he would've given me his phone number, but he was too scared Mark would find out and literally kill him since he had never liked Dan much, Phil only did it because he knew that Mark 1) was very very very unlikely to find out and 2) if he did he would never hurt Phil, they were like brothers.

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