Nico di Angelo

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Everybody knew I had a crush on Nico. This was started July 21st 2019. I worked on it for two whole months after that.

Chapter One

The Concert

"Are you ready Haze?" Matthew, one of my two best friends, asked. Maybe I should explain what's going on. My name is Hazel Bianca Viola Nestor. My hair is naturally golden blond, but I dye it quite often. A few weeks ago I dyed it a lilac-y light purple-ish color. It goes down to the bottom of my ears and I always have it tucked behind my right ear. My eyes are sea green, or at least I say they both are, the right one is sea green but the left one is actually gold but for some reason some people say it's brown. Since it confuses people when some see it brown and some see it gold, I've worn color contacts since I was quite young. At first my mom would help me and then eventually I was able to do it on my own. I'm quite a short person, standing at 5'1 but I'm not quite sure why. My mom is actually about 5'9 and I don't really remember my dad, maybe he was short. I'm not sure if I ever met him or not, but I have these two memories from when I was very young. One of them was running down the beach with a man who had raven black hair and sea green eyes, together we ran towards the ocean hand in hand. The other was a man with golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the same as my mom and I (except my eyes obviously). We were sitting on a black grand piano as he showed me each of the keys, somehow I could now play piano perfectly. It puzzles me to think about who they could be, either of them could be my father, I have similarities to both, but my mom will never tell me if either of them are. I'm in eighth grade and I live in San Francisco with my mom, her husband, and my three sisters. Maya, Sam, and Autumn all have the same dad, who Mom is married to. It's kind of a long story, but basically Mom and their dad broke up for a while and during that time I was born and then they got back together and got married not long ago. Anyways, that's not important. My school was about to have the winter band and choir concert from sixth through eighth grade. My best friends Bobby and Matthew were currently at my house so we could walk to our school together.

"Well I guess so.. I really don't want to do a solo, I really really don't." I said. I was actually supposed to have a solo during our first concert, but I wouldn't do it. Every eighth grader who was in choir had to do a solo, but I was super nervous and my teacher let me push it back. After about a week and a half I completely forgot, but a couple of weeks ago my teacher brought it up.

"We know you don't Haze, but I'm sure you're going to do amazing. This is your favorite song so I'm sure you won't forget the lyrics, you've known it for years, and we all know how much you love singing, you're super good!" Matt assures me, well, he tries at least.

"Yeah, I guess. I have known it for a long time, but my memory is terrible! This will be the one time I forget the lyrics!" I complain, "Also, no matter how good you say I am I absolutely suck at singing and all three of us know it."

"Hazel, you will do fine. I'm sure of it, Matt is too." Bob says, "But also, we don't have long until the concert starts, we gotta go."

"Okay, okay, let's go." I say. I slip on my white heels that I'm forced to wear and brush through my hair once again. At every choir concert the females were forced to wear a sky blue knee-length dress with a white bow around the waist and white heels. The males had to wear a sky blue suit with a white undershirt and white shoes. At our school, San Francisco Bay School (not sure if that's a real school, not sure if Annabeth's family lives there, but I really don't care.), the schools colors are sky blue and white so that's why we have to wear them at our concerts, but then again, the band has to do the same.

Okay enough about that, I got off topic, which I do because I have ADHD, BUT our school isn't very far away, so we started walking. We had already left and I would feel bad for making my friends turn around and walk back so even after I realized I forgot my hoodie I kept walking.

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