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I actually have no memory of this story, but I wrote it March 24th 2020 apparently. I believe it was for a friend.


"Spence!" I shouted. My adorable little mini Australian Shepherd comes running to me, "Aww aren't you the cutest little pup, do you wanna go for a walk?"

Spencer wagged his tail as I grabbed his leash and attached it to his collar. I made sure Mika knew I was heading out before closing and locking the door.

I was running around the dog park with Spencer when I felt a soft buzzing in my pocket. Being curious what the notification was, I pull my phone from my pocket. It was a call from Mark.

"Hey Mark," I greeted.

"Hey dingus. Amy and I have some new videos planned that we should probably record soon for Unus Annus," he explained, "I think we've got a video or two still we haven't uploaded. When are you free next, cause we've got a special guest who can't stay for too long."

"Well, I'm at the dog park with Spence right now. I'd probably want to drop him off at home first, but I'm free all the rest of today," I said.

"Alright well if you wanna swing by later on to record for a while then feel free," Mark said.

"Okay, I should be there around 3:10 or so," I said.


It's currently about 2:55 and I just dropped Spence off at home. I walked up the stairs to mine and Mika's room.

"Hey babe, I'm headed over to Mark's to record for a while if that's alright," I said.

"Okay. I'm not feeling super well. I'll probably be asleep by the time you're back," she said.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay here?" I asked.

"No, it's okay," she said.

"Okay. I'll take Spence with me, so it'll be calmer here," I said.


I pulled into Mark's driveway and brought Spencer inside with me.

"Mark! I'm here," I shouted.

"Holy shite you didn't tell me he was gonna be here," I heard a voice say. It was odd, they had a thick accent, it almost sounded like...

"Get back here you Irish bastard!" Mark yelled.

A brown haired Irishman popped his head around the corner and looked at me.

"Hey dingus. You're finally here." Mark turned away and walked to the table.


After filming for a couple hours, Sean and I were catching up while Mark went to stream.

Sean and I spent about an hour and a half chatting and playing some Mortal Kombat on Mark's XBox.

"Fuck!" I shouted as Sean's character knocked me off the side of a train.

"Alright so Bob and Wade are up for recording some Gang Beasts, what about you two?" Mark asked. Both Sean and I agreed and helped Mark set up the computers.

"Okay, you're all in the discord, right?" Mark asked. Sean and I nodded. "Bob and Wade will join in a few minutes, so make sure your games are set up."

I walked into the guest bedroom, where we had set up one of the two extra computers. After ensuring Gang Beasts was downloaded and set up on the computer, I design a character and wait.

Once we were sure we were all recording, we started the game.

"Alright bitches, let's make a deal." Wade says.

"What's the deal?" Sean asks.

"At the end of every round, everyone minus the winner has to take a shot." Wade explains.

"I can't drink." Mark points out.

"Oh shit that's right." Wade sighs.

"If Mark loses he takes a shot of root beer because it has beer in it." I suggest.



After maybe an hour of playing, most of us are drunk as hell. Mark, of course, was not, and neither was Bob considering he won almost every round.

Throughout the game Sean's character kept glitching around the map and killing him.

We ended the recording and Mark, Sean, and I all met in the living room again. Mark decided the both of us would stay here, which was probably a good thing since we're both drunk out of our minds.

While sitting on the couch, Mark gets up to do something, and next thing I know, there's a drunk Irish man crawling towards me and kissing me messily. At first I was a little confused, but then I kissed him back. It quickly turned into a make out session and we only pulled apart once Mark walked in and awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Um..." Mark looked more than slightly confused as Sean settles back into his spot next to me. "Okay then, you two need to get to bed. We've got one guest bed and there's the couch."

"You can have the bed." Sean said to me. I only mumbled an mhm in response.

"Come on, Dingus." Mark helped me off the couch and to the guest bedroom, where I immediately flopped on the bed and fell asleep.


The clock next to me read 3:33am.

"Well shit." I groaned. I was no longer tired and I had a pounding headache, so I got up to get some water.

"Ethan?" Sean asked.

"You're awake too?" I asked.

I couldn't really see him in the dark, but I could make out his shadow on the couch.

"Yeah, I slept for a while but I'm not tired anymore." He said.

"Me too. You want some water?" I asked while getting a glass for myself.

"Sure." He said.

I sat on the couch beside Sean and handed him a glass of water.

"Thanks." He said. I nodded.

"When do you leave?" I asked.

"In a few days." He said.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes before I spoke again, "Are you coming to PAX in a few months?"

"Yeah," He responded.

Once again, we sat there silently for a few minutes.

"Hey Ethan?"


"Do you remember what happened earlier?"

"Yeah, we recorded for a while and got drunk," I said.

"No... I mean after that," he said.

"Uh, no I don't think so. I just assumed we passed out," I replied.

"Ethan..." he paused, "look, we," once again, Sean paused. This time he didn't continue, just stayed silent.

"Did something happen?" I asked. Sean didn't answer for a few moments, until suddenly he cupped my face and started to kiss me. I sat there for a few seconds, very confused to say the least, but eventually Sean pulled away.

"I'm sorry about that, I couldn't help myself," Sean stood up and began to walk away.

I stood up. "Wait, Sean," I said. As he turns around to face me, I take his face in my hands and pull him to me. 

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