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This was started August 11th 2020. 


The least he could do is not throw all of my shit across the room. David isn't gonna be very happy if I leave for a couple months with my room a disaster. Not only did it take me months to motivate myself to clean my room, but my brother isn't not going to be helping me with his mess.

"Where the fuck do you keep your pills?" Axel asks. I direct him to the top drawer of my dresser where he finds my allergy pills as well as my meds. "I know you're disappointed David's making you go but at least you're out of the house."

I nod slightly at Ax before speaking up for the first time in a couple hours; "I mean... Well, I guess. I mean, I don't know. I'd just rather come with you and Yaundice Jaundice."

"I know Milo, but David already signed you up and you were accepted. You should really make a few friends there anyways." Ax tries his best to convince me it won't be so bad, but I'm just not feeling like being with a bunch of random people for eight full weeks. Fifty-six days, a hundred forty-four hours, overall just a lot of time.

"I already have friends! I could list them if you want me to," I argue with my older brother and he only shakes his head.

"Mars, I don't mean online friends or people seven years older than you. As much as the guys, Archie, Coop, and Ellis count, you need people not halfway across the world from you."

"Well... Well, yeah but... I won't know anyone and it's a long time..."

"Yeah I know, but you're gonna make some friends. You're a big girl now, I can't push you in the shopping cart anymore." I smile at my brother's attempt to make me a little less anxious.

"Yeah, maybe I will..."

"Okay sweetie, we'll see you soon! The three of us will definitely watch and I'm sure Axel will too." My mom's goodbye played once more in my head as I chew the inside of my cheeks and fumble with the seam of my gray hoodie sleeve. The white boat that is taking me to where I'll be staying pulls up to the dock and I carefully jump down, still somehow almost tripping.

"Campers, here is our final contestant, Milo. We had already told all of you that you had been accepted but I worked it out with the rest of the crew to have an extra," Chris McLean, the host, speaks to the twenty-two other people, "First things first, we need a photo for the promos. Everybody on the end of the dock."

All twenty three of us get ourselves situated, I stand mainly hidden in the back and put up an awkward smile with a peace sign and a finger gun. As Chris tries to take the photo, he realizes he forgot to take off the lens cap and then the memory card was full. A chubby black lady makes a comment that her face was going to freeze, but finally we get the picture. Next thing we know, the dock falls out from beneath us. As a pit forms in my stomach, I grab onto the nearest person to me who happens to be the goth girl. She helps pull both me and herself back onto the dock.

"O- Oh, I'm sorry! Um, I didn't mean to, it's instinct..." I give a shy smile to the girl, both to be friendly and apologetic.

"It's totally fine. Can you not swim?" She asks. My cheeks get warm but I nod slightly. "Yeah, a friend of mine does the same thing. I'm Gwen." I shake her hand softly and give her another smile.

"Um, I'm, uh, Milo." I curse myself for stumbling over my words as usual, but we quickly go to dry off.

Seeing as my clothes are now soaked, I change into my Unus Annus crewneck and some black ripped jeans. With the extra five minutes before we were supposed to meet Chris at the campfire, I kind of just stood awkwardly while a couple people introduced themselves to me.

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