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I've had a terrible day,first of all I got no sleep last night and then I woke up to stubbing my toe on the side wall and then I went outside but as soon as I got out there it started raining and while I was walking down the street, a stupid bus splashed water on me. I was pissed so I went to the only person that could help me.Ashtray.

After a few minutes It was still raining and I had finally got to Ash and fez's house and I knocked on the door, A couple of seconds later ash opened the door.

"Hey ma" he said "hi" I said back with no sympathy at all "so what are you doing here?" He asked "well I've had a really shitty day have you got anything?" I said referring to drugs.

He sighed. "C'mon Ash please" I begged "I'm sorry ma but I can't watch you kill yourself" he said closing the door.

"Please I need this my day has been shit and I need to forget about it somehow please" I yelled from outside the door. I hit it and then I hit it again and again and again.

"Look Ash if you give me some I won't ask for anymore please I'm begging you" he ignored me. I could tell he was there.but then a sudden thought came into my head.

"Y'know what Ash I'm sorry...I'm shouldn't be doing this and I'm being really selfish I know and I'm sorry please just open the door, I don't want the drugs anymore I don't need them,but I need you....I need your love"

And then after I finished that sentence the door swung open and I was met with a big warm hug from my boyfriend. "I'm sorry" I said while tears were streaming down my face. "It's okay ma"

And then we went inside and I put some of ashtrays clothes on and we watched tv together and fell asleep. What did I do to get an amazing boyfriend all I can say is that I would be lost without him.

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