Changed part 4

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Quick A/n: Hey guys can you tell me in the comments if I accidentally used 'Evie' instead of Penny please <3

*No one's pov*

"Rue must have took it without us noticing" Fez says to Ash, before walking over to y/n's room "Y/n M/n O'Neill" He knocks on the door loudly. After a few second Y/n opens then door but before fez can say anything Y/n interrupts him "I'm on the phone" She utters quietly.

"Then hang it up" Fez shrugs angrily "No are you crazy" Y/n speaks as she closes the door in Fezes face.

Penny's pov:

I can see Fez alone in his room..yes!! This is my chance, "hey I'll be right back" I say to y/n she nods while focusing on her conversation. I walk out and go into Fezes room and I see him with a cigarette, he turns around and see's me "don't ever start smoking" he sighs. "Everything okay Fez?" i ask.

He paused for a minute, "Yeah, I'm sorry Penny but I think that it's time for you to go home"
"I can't go home" I pause for a moment before I finally found an excuse. "Brooke is at a business trip..she said that she sent an email" I commented with a sly look on my face
"Well I guess I didn't check my email" We both laugh "I'm sorry..I hope it's okay that I'm here" I apologise with a smile. After a few seconds I put my plan in action.
"Her boyfriend hits me Fez" I lied (I'm not saying that Evie was lying in the movie I just wanted to spice things up a little).

Fez looked at me with a shocked face but soon I sat down on his bed and pulled my hair to the side and showed him a bruise on the back of my neck that I asked May to give me.
"He grabbed my throat and threw me against his van" I said quietly. "Shit" Fez comments and sits down next to me to examine my bruise. "Where's your mom?" He asked.
"She passed away" I responded sadly.
"We'll if it makes you feel any better..I didn't have a mother at your age either" Fez adds. I pulled him into a hug but then y/n walks in.

Y/N's POV;

I walk into Fezco's room and see him and Penny hugging and I got a little bit jealous if I'm being honest. "Hey Fez, mouse is on the phone and he wants to speak to you" I interrupted.

He quickly got up and grabbed the phone off me and walked off, I silently called Ashtray over and we started following Fez because we wanted to hear what Mouse was saying. I started mouthing things to Fez saying 'Mouse better not come over' but he simply looked at me and played with my hair slightly.

After that I walked off and into my room, where I saw Penny..smoking. I go over to her and quickly snatched the cigarette out of her hands and crushed it in the Tray beside us "If fez see's you with that then he will kill you" I whispered.
"So what..he smokes" Penny shrugged with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah no shit" I replied
"No shit" Penny repeats while lighting herself another cigarette. I saw Fez walking by and quickly took it off her again and hid it so Fez wouldn't see it and think that it was mine, I gave it back when I saw that Fez wasn't around. "Look what I got from the Tattoo shop" I pulled out the belly button ring while smirking. Penny smiled and took it and laid me down on the bed while hovering over me.

"This will probably hurt more then your tongue" She whispered so Ashtray or Fezco wouldn't hear us, "I don't care just get it over with" I bit a teddy bear.

Penny had accidentally put the needle in wrong which caused me to gasp and yell out in pain, I put my hand on my forehead in frustration.
"Oh fuck" Penny panics and runs out to get some tissue to clean up the blood.
"What the fuck did you do" I yelled after her.

Fez had heard all of the commotion and asked if we were both alright.
"Yea we're fine we just spilt a coke" Penny quickly closed the door.


Me and Penny were laying down in my bed and I was examining my belly button ring, "it's cool that your not afraid of needles n/n..maybe when we're older we can get tattoos and more piercings" she smiled.

Fez then walked into my room and I quickly covered my stomach with the blanket.
"Hey i got you a surprise" he then pulls out a T-Shirt "I got you a T-shirt" He continued.
"That looks nice" I said with a genuine smile
"Yea it's great" Penny added
"Look, y/n you gotta do your homework tomorrow okay..also I think you should talk to Sophie, she's called a couple of times" Fez mentioned.

"I know Fez..I know" I replied with an annoyed look on my face. "Well goodnight girls" He mumbled while he began to walk out of my room.

I stood up and went over to him "Fez..Don't ever come into my room without asking me, you don't see me just waltzing into your room-" I get cut off as he shuts the door slowly, after a few seconds I muttered "Fuck him" I then walked to my bed while feeling guilty for being so rude to him.

I was just about to fall asleep but all of a sudden I was awoken by a random boy knocking on my window..what in the Rapunzel.

"Yo Penny are you coming?" He asked impatiently. "Yeah I just need to get changed" And then she ushered him away from the window playfully. She started getting dressed so I closed my eyes to give her some privacy.

"Do you wanna come" Penny offered "Yea" I opened my eyes
"Sorry but it's just gonna be me and Jay Jay..y'know" she winked at me and hopped out my window and the guy I assume was named 'Jay Jay' had picked her up bridal style and she flipped me off while he carried her away.

I tossed and turned because I couldn't sleep but nothing was working so I went to the bathroom instead.

I walked in and looked at myself in the mirror with tears streaming down my face, and then I opened the cabinet door and grabbed the scissors.
(Im not writing this scene because it might make a few people uncomfortable..but I'm sure you already know what happened)

I had went into my bedroom,climbed into my bed and finally fell asleep.

*no one's pov*

Penny had climbed back in through the window a couple of hours later and saw y/n fast sleep. She got into the bed and hugged y/n before whispering down her ear "I love you y/n" I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*Y/N's pov*

I woke up and yawned "Penny?" I looked beside me to see that Penny wasn't there, I looked at my shirt,saw the blood seeping through, I sighed and put on something different.

I walked into the living room and saw Fez,Ash,Rue and Penny all sitting together at the table. Fez had spotted me "Hey you want me to make you something to eat?" he asked "it's okay im on a diet" I declined while looking at my nails, "c'mon y/n your always moody when you don't eat" Ashtray laughed.
"Fuck you" I laughed while flipping him off.

"Penny come on" I spoke. She got up but Fez had gotten to me first "Hey Penny can you hold on a minute" He asked "Sure" she answered while walking into the kitchen. "So um does Brooke have a boyfriend?" Fez questioned.
"Uhh no she dumped him" I replied
"When " Fez said sternly
"I don't know last week or something" I picked at my fingernails.
"Are you sure" He interrogated, I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, now can I go to school" I sighed
Fez nodded and walked off.

*At school*

I was hanging out with my "friends" and a girl named Grace walked pass with her boyfriend by her side. "All of a sudden Grace has a ghetto booty?" I questioned
"I think she stuffs" Penny laughed.
"That sl*t ain't got shit compared to these double cheeseburgers" Our friend May said, we all laughed.
"Shake it don't break it bitch" Grace gave us all a dirty look while she walked away.

A boy named Javi had walked up to us and all the girls except me had greeted him with a hug.
"Yo y/n can I holler at you" he asked with a smile on his face.
"Sure" I responded while walking with him

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