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Y/ns POV:

I sat on the bench, watching the fishes swim around in the pond, I wonder what's it's like for them, being free. they can swim around all day and not get bored.

I tilted my head as I watched one of them, it fell out of the pond and landed on the pavement. it squirmed and moved around trying to look for its home.

I walked over and crouched down, I took the fish in my hand and gently put him back in the water, I smiled as I watched it swim around.

I took my seat back on the bench, after a few minutes someone sat beside me, it was Ash. I didn't really know him well, we spoke a few times but we weren't friends or anything.

"you okay?" he asked, I nodded and stared at the pond, I wasn't feeling it today, I just want to go home and cry myself to sleep.

"why don't you speak, y/n?" ash asked me, I looked at him without responding. it wasn't really my fault, whenever i'd feel distressed or upset i'd stop talking, it's like my body wouldn't let me. like I'm trapped in my own mind.

"does nobody ask you why?" he asked again. I didn't reply, but I didn't wanna seem rude so I shrugged. "it must mean something" Ash spoke. "doesn't anybody care?".

I felt my heart ache when he asked that, I never really thought about it. nobody ever asked me that question, I used to be so loud and full of it and then I just stopped talking and i've realised that no one's ever been listening in the first place, have they?.

"I care" he smiled. I looked at him shocked, really? he does? he's not just messing with me?. I wondered, I wish I could talk, I really do

I laid my head down on his shoulder as he put his arm around me, finally someone who cares.

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