Chapter 9: The End

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Ahsoka insists I go to the Halls of Healing as soon as we get back to the Temple. Somehow, she convinces me to allow her to tell her masters about Master Krell. But now I know I'm safe and Master Krell isn't going to be punishing me.

I sit in the halls of healing, allowing someone to tend to the lightsaber burn on my arm. I don't know how long it takes: I'm asleep before it's finished.

I'm not sure how long I sleep, but I know I sleep like a rock. When I wake up, reality hits me so hard that it takes me a few disoriented moments to remember where I am and why I'm there. I puff out a slow breath, feeling almost refreshed, roll over, and nearly jump out of my skin.

Master Krell sits next to my cot on a chair that is very obviously too small for him. I shoot up from the cot, eyes blown wide.

"What are you doing here?" I demand in a whisper.

"You told them," Krell says. It's not an explanation, exactly, but it makes my blood run cold.

"No, they found out on their own," I insist. "One of them overheard the call." I want to tell him that he spoke too loudly, but that wouldn't end well for me.

"You were sloppy. You should've ensured no one could!" Krell growls.

"I'm sorry, please, I did all I could, I promise," I say, tears pricking my eyes. No, I won't cry. I can't. Not in front of Krell. I blink them away.

"You must be punished for your insolence. You must be punished for your stupidity, child. You're a lab experiment. A lab disaster! You're a burden, and you'll never be anything more than all that," Krell growls. He grabs me by the arm where I'd been burned and I inhale sharply. "Shout and you'll be sorry," Krell warns.

I clamp my jaw shut and grind my teeth through the pain. Krell drags me out of the halls of healing, saying he's discharging me despite their plea for him to allow me to stay a while longer. He swiftly pulls me through the temple halls and to his quarters.

The lights don't flip on, leaving the room in darkness. The door seals shut behind us.

"You're stupid." Krell's burly hand slams across my face. "You're a failure." Another hit. "You'll never amount to anything." Another hit.

I turn my back to him. He showers me with strikes, blow after blow, pounding me to my knees. My breaths come in ragged gasps. I let them out in shuddering sobs. The tears I swore I wouldn't cry pour over my eyes like a raging river through a broken dam.

I wish I never told Ahsoka. I wish I had never spoken to her. I wish I never met her. I wish I had never gone on that mission. I wish I never let my hood fall. I wish I never cried in front of Ahsoka. I wish I never killed that man.

I cry out as I feel a crackling sound in my chest and back. Broken ribs.

The tears stream down my face. The screams rip from my chest and lungs. I feel like my head is about to explode.

Where are the Jedi when I need them?!

The Force seems to whisper in my ear. It tells me to stand up, to be strong. Ahsoka's voice echoes inside my mind. Earlier today, she told me I was strong. "Who was the guy? Darth Hamenongalong? You killed a kriffing Sith Lord, Birdie! Anyone would be crazy to think you're weak after that."

I hear Anakin's voice in my mind from the briefing. "Good, call, kid. I like the way you think."

And suddenly, Krell's voice seems to fade a little. Suddenly, all I hear is what I need to hear.

I am strong. I have potential. I can defend myself.

Ahsoka made a promise to help me, and she'll fulfill her promise.

And until then, I can do what needs to be done.

"Stop," I say, my voice wavering as his fists rain down on me. "Stop!"

He doesn't stop, so I raise my voice.


Nothing. I tense up and set my jaw. "I. Said. STOP!!!"

Krell pauses. "Did you just give me an order?"

"A direct order," I affirm, turning slowly to face him.

Krell laughs. "You stupid child."

He swings at me, but I snatch my lightsaber on my belt and swing back, purposefully missing his hand by mere centimeters. He takes a step back, surprised.

I'm shaking like crazy and my throat is so tight I can't breathe properly. I'm so afraid I feel like I'm about to pass out, but I force myself to stand tall and grit out, "I'm not afraid to chop your hand off, so I suggest you stand down."

"Ah, but you forget, child. I have lightsabers, too." Krell ignites his two double-bladed lightsabers.

"And you forget," I swing at him, locking blades. "I'm more than what you say I am." I don't believe it all the way, but as long as he believes I do, it'll work out.

"You are insolent," Krell spits. He swings again and I block. He's strong, and I feel like crumbling beneath his lock. Instead, I flip back, kicking one of the hilts out of his hand.

He still has one, and he charges me with it.

We go back and forth. I dodge him, he swings again. I block him, I swing, he pushes me back, I roll, I dodge him, and we do it all over again.

Just when I think I'm about to give out and get chopped in half, the door whooshes open. Krell, still holding me off, turns to see Masters Skywalker, Kenobi, Windu, and Yoda in the doorway. Behind them stands Ahsoka.

"Krell, stand down," Windu orders.

"I don't think I can do that," Krell growls. He whirls around, fist clenched to punch me away, but in his fear, he forgets I still have his lightsaber. The next thing I know, his hand is lying on the ground, and the rest of him is still standing.

I strangle a shriek of horror as my eyes bug out. Before I really know what's happening, the Masters charge Krell to subdue him and Ahsoka hurries to my side and pulls me back into the shadowy corner.

"I just chopped off his hand," I breathe.

Ahsoka grins. "You sure did."

"I don't think that's a good thing."

"Yes it is, it's great," Ahsoka says. "Doesn't it feel good, hurting him back after he hurt you?"

"No," I say, looking down. "Revenge is not the Jedi way. I don't ever want anyone to have to hurt the way I did."

"Oh." Ahsoka stays quiet for a moment. "The Council will work on that. You won't have to worry."

I swallow and nod and watch as the Masters overpower Krell. 

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