Chapter 12 The Most Devoted

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It's is an undeniable fact that Rex Lapis is the most devoted to the creator and by far the most loyal. Because of this they believed he was the favorite of all the archons and of all Teyvat. Truth be told, he did not earn that spot with clean hands. Like a shadow he was never far behind and was most attentive. As such he knew who and what was in contact with the creator and would take out people who would be a 'threat' to his position. Infront of her grace he was the perfect being. Kind, gentle, and affectionate.

Many debated this. Some said he was simply being a loyal subject while others argued he was being more than that.

"Without a doubt! I say Rex Lapis loved her Holiness. Records show how much he adored her" a scholar said at a table with other fellow scholars.

"No that can't be. He simply was very loyal and attentive. Your theory of Rex Lapis wanting to be a lover is simply ridiculous and pushes boundaries!" Another argued. "Besides" he added "there no record or indication that her Holiness even had a love interest."

Zhongli grasp on his cup tighten. Breaking it as the tea from it spilled. He was at his favorite teahouse and was overhearing the scholars debate. How dare he say that? Her Holiness not love him? Of course you loved him. You told him how he was still your favorite.

"Now now gentleman" the third spoke up "we're not talking about if the creator had feelings were debating if Rex Lapis had any" he continued.

"Of course he did!" The first one exclaimed. "I'm telling you with all my studies on Rex Lapis I can tell you without a doubt that he indeed had such emotions of love for her! Passing more than pure worship."

"Again your saying nonsense!" The second argued.

Zhongli got up payed and left the teahouse. Indeed it was how the first scholar said. Because of his feelings he made sure to do everything to become your favorite. Even if it meant to kill other who wanted the spot as well. He hoped that you would realize he wasnt just the perfect devotee but the best marriage material. When you suddenly disappeared he went mad. As if a thread snapped and he let out his rage and anger on the battlefield earning his title of God of war. He looked up at the Jade Chamber. He wanted nothing more than to run in and throw himself into your embrace or have his head on your lap as you gently pet him while humming softly.

In his pocket he had his gift that we prepared for you. He missed his chance to give it to you yesterday but will not fail next time you met. Taking a deep breath he walked back to the funeral polar. His break having finished. Turning the corner he spotted you. His eyes going wide. Your outfit made you look like the goddess you were and the smile you had only made him fall deeper. He had to admit it was hard to keep being so composed at times.

You were happy walking in town. Having a nice rest last night you greeted people as you walked by. You went around the corner and spotted Zhongli. Cursing internally you smiled at him and greeted him as you passed by.

'oh boy that was close. Good thing I have to act like he's just a normal human' you thought as you walked. 'otherwise it would be a mess'

He hated it. He hated not being able to go up to you as he would as Morax 'it seems the dead must rise. Otherwise I will never be able to visit during the day and only see her at night like some bandit." He thought as he made his way into work.

You enjoyed your day out. You went to the teahouse and listening to the storyteller. Watched a play performed the best troop. It was nice and fun. Ningguang after much thought assigned Ganyu as your guide. So following her suggestions is how planned your day. It was now noon and you were sitting watching the sun set on a bench in a more isolated place in the city. Ganyu sat next to you as the escorts were behind you. Giving you room so you wouldn't feel overwhelmed.

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