Chapter 36 The Truth.

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You finished healing yourself and started to move to the side of the bed. You wanted to get up and walk. Looking out the window you could see it was already night and given the fact you been asleep for a long time you weren't tired. Setting your legs over the side of the bed you planted your feet gently on the ground and using the bed as support got up slowly. Shaking a bit you held onto the bed until you managed to stand up. Smiling at the accomplishment you took a step alongside the bed still using it as support. Your legs felt heavy and every step felt off. You figured it was due to not being used for a while. That and well you just healed it. Once you felt firm enough you let go of your support and went to the window.

It was quite the view much more different than what you seen on screen. At the moment you were on the islands and you watched the sea from afar as it sparkled under the moon light. It was a nice place to relax indeed then you saw it in the distance a small island over.

"The hot spring" you said excited. You remembered getting it and putting it in. To think you can actually use it now! Silently as possible you left your room and headed out. Once outside you started leaving the manor when a voice stopped you.

"My Grace where are you going?" You turned and saw on the roof Xiao. He jumped down and went to you "are you better? I'm glad to see you can walk around now" he said.

"I'm ok now. Im going for a small walk for some fresh air" you told him.

"I shall accompany you-" you put your hand up.

"Let me stop you right there. Its been a long journey and I only wish to be able to have some time to myself" you told him. "I'm thankful you and the rest were at my side watching over me but please understand I just want the simple joy of taking a walk by the sea side." You explained. He nodded as you pet him gently. "Thank you Xiao" you told him as he was leaning into your touch looking content and at peace.

"Call me if you need anything my grace" he said.

"I will" you said letting go. Then you turned and ran off. Xiao stood still watching you run off noticing how your form got smaller and smaller.

You navigated around the island until you made it to the hot springs. Your eyes lit up at the thought of finally being able to relax and went to it. It was much bigger than you thought and much deeper too. Looking at the water you dipped your hand in it and the temperature was heavenly.

"...shame I don't have a swimsuit or of the sorts" you said looking at your reflection on the water. Suddenly the memory of you and your friend came to mind. You two were friends since little you were basically sisters. She was the type to bring you all kinds of snacks when you got your monthly and set up movies for you to watch. Yes you did fight but then again which pair of best friends wouldn't? "..I wonder how my bestie doing.." you said lowly and saw the water ripple making you realize you shed a tear. Quickly wiping your eyes you noticed the water glow and reflect something else. You leaned forward to see and noticed it was your house and inside was your best friend.

"Y/n??" She called out looking around for you. "Y/n?" She looked worried as she wondered into your room.

"Bf/n??" You said surprised as you saw her stop and look around quickly as she called out for you. "Bf/n!" You called out.

"Y/n! Where are you?!" She called out.

"I'm right here. Can you see me??" You asked.

"If I could I wouldn't be asking now would I ya dingus!" She said crossing her arms. "But I can hear you!" She yelled.

You laughed at her silliness. "I'm right here I can see you." You told her as you watched her run around looking for you then she stopped at the mirror in your room.

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