Chapter 3 Welcome

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You were at the camp you made a small pile of rocks you found. It wasn't much but you wanted to somehow remember the ones that helped you when you most needed it. They become your friends and you wished to remember them somehow. Once you finished you got up and started to head out. You made up your mind. You were going to Mondstadt and find your phone. Who knows what would happen if they managed to go through it.

'I should've put a password of some sort on it'
you mentally scolded yourself again.

Finding the path you recognized as the path to the city you started to follow it. While walking you looked at the scenery. It was breathtaking how everything was bright and full of life. Taking a turn you saw the bridge leading to the entrance right ahead. Taking a deep breath you started to cross it. Being mindful of the birds there you arrived on the other side. Where the two gaurds stopped you.

"Name and what's your business here?" One asked.

"My name is Y/N. I'm here to-" you were cut off.

"How dare you speak the name of her Holiness!" The knight on the Right said as they both drew thier weapons.

"Your under arrest for trying to pass off as her Holiness!" The other yelled. They were both furious as their yelling started to attract a crowd.

"Someone trying to pass on as the creator?! " someone yelled.

"Get her!" Another one yelled. The crowd was quite angry while you on the other hand were stumped.

"Huh?" Was all you said. What's this about a creator? Why didn't anything like that pop up in the game?? Not to mention to have the same name. Wouldn't the creator be the games developer instead? You mind was racing with all types of questions.

"It's Jean!" A person yelled as the dandelion knight made her way through the crowd

"Arrest her! She impersonating the-" they went silent as she raised her hand.

Having snapped out of your thoughts you watched the acting grandmaster walk up to you with some knights in tow.

"Your holiness." She bowed down. "I apologize for this. Please spare them they don't know" she said as the knights with her bowed as well. The crowd and two knights at the gates looked shocked and started to whisper among themselves.

Jean was in the middle of finalizing the search teams when she was informed of a person who was to enter the city using the scared name. Dropping all she was doing she quickly headed out. When she arrived she heard the crowds yelling for punishment. Of course she felt the same. Who dares try to impersonate the most important being. Afterall she had the proof that their creator was always with them. So when she got to the front and saw the person in question she was surprised. Yes. Seeing this person gave her that same warm feeling of when she was used a vessel. No doubt of it. This is her! She came to them! Truly they were blessed. Kneeling she asked for forgiveness for the others. She stayed kneeling for a moment. Hearing no response she looked at the crowd causing them to go silent. Of course they angered her Holiness, they called her an imposter and tried to harm her! They committed a grave offense. She knew what to do next.

Truth be told. You weren't mad or offended. Stumped and confused as hell was more like it. Jean kneeled to you calling you Holiness and asking for forgiveness. The game said nothing about this or them worshipping someone other than thier own archons. You were lost in thought.

"Arrest them! They offended her Holiness!"

You snapped back into reality. You saw the knights that were with Jean quickly spread out to catch the civilians who yelled for your arrest. Many yelling for you to forgive them and claimed ignorance.

Her Holiness. The creator.Where stories live. Discover now