Chapter 6

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I barely slept, my mind racing with what my baking list consisted of as well as a constant interruption piercing my thoughts that this weekend could actually be a bad idea.

My heart kept saying this was the greatest idea since sliced brioche.

Since I wasn't sleeping, I got up, showered and packed a bag before heading to the bakery fairly early to start baking.

By 3 PM, I had seven containers of baked goodies stacked on the counter. There was a container for each of my guys based on what they liked so chocolate peanut butter cupcakes for Zack, Tony was getting dessert empanadas since I'd already given him churros this week. There were cherry hand pies for Pete, a maple bacon fritter for Josh, the lemon tarts for Cam and a batch of cupcake sized maple bar bourbon bacon bread puddings for Sam. The seventh container was crammed full of chocolate chip cookies for me.

Because I'd need them.

And I'd need at least four bottles of wine to make it through. I sent Cam a message to make sure he had enough wine on hand before offering to bring some additional bottles if he didn't have enough wine.

I also had five baguettes and an assortment of other breads and rolls to get us through the weekend and whatever dining experiences we managed to have. I made a mental note to tease Zack about ordering a family style meatloaf dinner for seven from the diner.

Actually, that didn't need to be teasing, I really should place an order for dinner tomorrow so that we could share the joy that was the diner's meatloaf.

He'd absolutely love it.

My phone buzzed with Cam's reply to my message. Cam: Got your wine fix covered, Mon Ami, just get your sweet cheeks over here!

I laughed, my face turning red even though I was currently alone in the kitchen. ~Fine. I'll be over in 20 minutes.~ I pushed send on the text and busied myself loading up all the containers into my car with the bag I'd packed this morning.

My hand shook slightly as I got closer to the guys house, taking a few moments for some yoga breathing and a good look at the house again as I pulled into the driveway behind the garage door Cam told me was the best one to park in since his car was in the garage and I'd only be blocking hm in. Zack sure did some amazing work, I though as I looked at the house.

The house was huge and beautiful and if I dared to let myself believe it, it was everything I could have ever wanted in a house of my own. I pursed my lips and wrinkled my nose. It was almost as if he knew it was going to be meant for us.

For all of us.

When he designed it and had it built?

The idea was surprising but honestly, it made sense since Zack had definitely met my entire family when we were dating.

It almost went without noting that I could easily see Tony's work all over the landscaping. Absolutely gorgeous, of course. I got out of the car, going around to the back to grab my bag and some of the containers before heading to the door to ring the bell.

Cam met me at the door. "There's my bestie." He smiled and reached out to grab the containers from me. "I'll put these in the kitchen."

"I have a couple more to grab." I said.

"Oh, I'll get them. You go ahead and take a look around the living room and everything and meet me in the kitchen.

"Okay, sounds good." I said, holding on to my bag as I headed towards the only room I'd been in before. I had to admit, getting a closer look at the room was everything. The décor style absolutely spoke to me as a Cam signature. Things were arranged much like we'd had them in Paris.

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