Chapter 7

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"Fifi!" Sam sounded delighted to find me in the kitchen.

I glared at Cam. "Geez, guess I'll be over a lot to do your laundry." I rolled my eyes before turning to look at Sam. "Hey, Sam." I smiled.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here already." He glanced over my head at Cam. "I mean, he said weekend, guess I thought that was tomorrow."

"Is that a bad thing? That I'm here?"

"No, that's not bad at all." He said, glancing down at me.

"Stop being strangers." Cam whined. "Just stop being a punk and kiss her already. I've watched you kiss her before. You kissed all the time in front of me in Paris." He huffed a sigh.

"He does have a point, Sam. We did kiss a lot." I smiled.

"Cam usually does have a point. And usually he shares the point of his plans with me so that I can be appropriately informed of changes to the natural order of things at home." He smiled before bending his head to kiss me. He sucked on my lower lip for a moment before his tongue swiped along the seam of my lips, requesting entrance.

I sighed against his lips and mine parted. He deepened the kiss, taking what he wanted out of it before I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, wresting control of the kiss away from him. I bit his lower lip gently to enforce the fact that he was at my mercy when it came to this kiss.

He pulled away, taking in a deep breath before resting his forehead against mine. "Hi Jess. I'm glad you're joining us for the weekend." He murmured before raising his head and kissing my forehead.

"Glad to be here."

"All weekend?" he asked.

"All weekend, I'm so down for a few movie marathons." I nodded.

He laughed. "And Cam told you about the pajama requirement." He swept his hands down my sides. "Nice."

"They're actually my favorite pj's from Paris. I didn't realize he'd bought them for me. He always said they'd shrunk in the laundry."

"Which is clearly why you're doing my laundry." Cam laughed. "you always believed me when I told you they shrunk."

Sam smiled. "Who's not home yet?"

"The usual." Cam shrugged.

Sam laughed. "Clearly they are also not thinking that weekend means tonight and that Jess is here. Or there'd be a line out the door for welcome home kisses."

"You think so?" I batted my eyelashes at him. "Maybe I should start charging money."

"I'd pay a million to kiss you every day." Sam said, honesty ringing through his tone.

"Good to know. I wouldn't charge you though."

"Also good to know. I don't have millions yet." Sam brushed another kiss to my lips. "I'm going to go change and I'll be right back."

"I'll be here." I smiled before taking a sip of wine as he left. "It doesn't appear that you were fully invested in telling them about the weekend."

"I told them. It's not my fault they weren't actually listening." Cam shrugged.

I shrugged in return. "So far so good, yeah?" he nodded.

"Absolutely. Once Zack gets home, I think we'll really see where things stand because he usually needs the most time to analyze it."

"Really? I probably would have said Pete has the more difficult time with things."

Cam shook his head. "Josh has probably gone over it with Pete. It's what he does. Manages to calm Pete down and talk him off the ledge when needed. Josh, well I would have put him down as needing to analyze it too because he always wanted to know about you after the break ups. Always willing to offer to check you out. I'm sure he's allowed himself to take a peek at things when he restored all their histories on their phones. Whatever you said to him last weekend though, that's made an impact and he's been trying to get all his police stuff cleared so that he wouldn't miss this weekend."

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