Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

The smell of delicious eggs and bacon hit her nose as Laura came down the stairs. She went directly towards the smell and found Everyone already at the dining table. Aron was reading the newspaper, Kane was eating noisily , Mabel was filling up her glass with juice and Sarah was busy checking her phone. Her breakfast was left untouched.

"Good Morning Laura.. come on, have something before you leave for school. " Mabel said as soon as she spotted Laura at the bottom of the stairs.

She went and sat beside Kane. She smiled at him and he smiled back. She wished everyone good morning and began eating the eggs that Mabel had placed on her plate.

" Will you be home early today?" Mabel asked Aron.

" Might be difficult. I have an important overseas meeting today in the evening. The clients are really important and if we are able to crack a deal with them,then well you know what then and the meeting is to be handled by me so you know I won't be able to come early today. " he finished.


" Hey Uncle Aron all the best for the meeting then. It sure sounds important "

" Thank you Laura" he said as he finished the juice and began standing up.

" Come on Kane let's go . time for school" he said and Kane quickly finished his breakfast . Running into his room he came back with his back pack .

," Wow! That was fast" Laura commented.
" He is fast when he wants to be" Mabel said.

" Hey Laura, don't forget our date today!" Kane called out as he began leaving the house.
" Yes! I remember it!".

"Date?" Sarah said for the first time.

All this while she was busy checking the phone. Laura was shocked that she even heard the conversation.

" Yeah . it's to make up for my rude behaviour yesterday. " Laura explained.

"Ohh" was all she said.

" That is so sweet of you ! Okay now I have to leave. I'll be home by the time you'll come back home. " she too began getting up.

" Sarah how are you all going to school today??" Mabel asked truely concerned.

" Don't worry Mom Dani will be picking us up today. " Sarah said.

"Oh good!" Mabel said and she too left for work.

"Dani?"Laura asked.

"Yeah My best friend, he'll be here soon. "

Some time passed.

" Hey it was really nice of you to spend time with Kane. I kind was hated you for making him sad!" Sarah said breaking the silence.

" Yea I could see it. And I really hadn't meant to snap at him last night. Its just that everything was new to me and everything about Mom. It just made me a little too mad. . when I realised what I had actually done, I kind of hated myself too. " she said.

After that a comfortable silence fell between them.
She finished her breakfast silently and went back to her room . she was Packing all the stuff she needed when she heard Sarah calling her.

" yes?!" She answered as she came down from her room.

" Dani just said that he couldn't come to pick us up. We will have to go by Vespa now." Sarah said.

" As long as you can ride it we have no problem!".

" I was .a.. Actually ..a... hoping .. That.." She twisted her hands and kept looking at them.

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