1. Crashing Down

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Ace has been acting strange these days, the crew noticed -I mean who wouldn't. It doesn't seem like he's trying to hide it, for someone who eats for an army, started eating less, he even skip meals now.

It's been six months since he started acting like this, and it keeps getting worse each passing day. He started spending more time in his room, usually getting out a few times a day.

Now this is worrying his bond family even more. They tried cheering him up with things he likes, easy to say nothing worked.

Because of this he hasn't been assigned to missions lately, the commanders tried getting him out of his room but no use. They aren't made at him, no, they're disappointed in themselves for not knowing how to help him, though they can't blame themselves since they don't even know what's causing him to be like this.

Whitebeard being the worried father he is, asked him about this, in the end he got nothing. Ace dismissed him by not saying a single word to his father after that. This caused Whitebeard to drink more often, the nurses tried hiding his sake but he always managed to find it.

The Whitebeards haven't been active lately, because of this the Marines think they're planning something, in reality they have fallen into a depressed state for half a year.


Whitebeard is sitting in his chair on the main deck while drinking sake from his giant cup, a gloomy aura surrounding him, lost in thought, he didn't notice that the main deck was empty, just a few on lookout here 'n there.

Marco sat next to his fathers chair, accompanying him I his state of depression like a good first son. He didn't drink, he needed to be sobber incase something happens, no matter how much he wanted to -the stress was really getting to him.

Both father and son sat in comfortable silence, listening to the waves crashing against Moby Dick. These past few months has been deadly silent, but there are times where the silence becomes a peaceful, comfortable break.

"What are we gonna do Oyaji -yoi?"

Marco broke the silence, he didn't look at his father, he was very tired to do so, he stayed up all night to get some free time for the next day to spend some time with his farther.

"I don't know son, I don't know."

"At first we waited for him to say something on his own, and that only made it worse. We tried cheering him up, we tried talking to him, the only thing we can do is wait."

Marco could only hum at that. They went back to the comfortable silence, they were interrupted when they heard foot steps, someone heading their way.

"Oyaji-san, Marco-san."

Jinbei called out to them. It's been over four months since he decided to stay with them, he tried talking to Ace but like the others, he was given the silent treatment. Marco looked at him.

"Jinbei? Ya need something -yoi?"

"Not really, just needed some fresh air. If you don't mind, is it alright I join you?"

"It's alright, we don't mind -yoi, right Oyaji?"

He hummed as an answer, jinbei only nodded as he went aver to Marco and sat beside him in a meditating position, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath and enjoyed the peacefulness.

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