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Okay so this story is based around The Fault In Our Stars, of corse it's not word for word and I have changed many facts and locations, but it has the same sort of vibe.
I hope it catches your heart, and just a heads up, tears may be shed.


"Your a fighter"
Those three words have been said to me about a hundred times, when I was first told them, I felt proud, but now, the meaning is as transparent as a glass bottle.
For three years and three months and a day I have been "fighting cancer", I hate how doctors say that you "fight" cancer, if it is a war, it's a pretty damn unfair one.
It was my birthday. Little, innocent me turning 13 and suddenly dropping to the floor before I could have the first bite of my birthday cake.
My mother rushed me to hospital, apparently she broke the speed limit five times and nearly hit another car.

The next few days were the worst, we tried keeping it a secret until the doctors were 10000% sure that my lungs were faulty, that I was a faulty star.
"Be brave my little star" was the last words my mother said to me before I heard the crushing words.

"You have cancer."

The year that followed was full of burning pain and hot tears, my lovely father left us to go to heaven, he crashed his car into a hijacked minivan and broke his neck and back.
He died on Tuesday in the same hospital I was staying in, I heard about his death three days after, because I had been getting drugs and fluids pumped into me while every 10 minutes my heart would stop beating properly or I started drowning in my own lung fluid, I was to busy to even notice my dad's absents.
A week later, I was still in hospital, long plastic tubes ran from William (my oxygen tank) feeding me the air I struggled to breath.
My mother stayed by my side every day and night, she never left, if I ever started breathing unevenly, she would call the doctor right away, usually it was nothing, but sometimes I was drowning again.
But one day, she wasn't there, I didn't have her soft hand to hold while the doctors injected more antibiotics into my bloodstream, she wasn't there to comfort me while I slept, or I didn't see her smiling face when I woke up from my many hours of napping time.
"Where's my mummy?" I asked Holly, my nurse, she was a beautiful blond Scottish girl, her smile never went when she talked to me, but she had her scary features, with her black nails and heavy mascara.
"She's... At your fathers funeral" Holly said in a hushed tone "she was going to tell you tomorrow, she knew you wouldn't be able to make it."
She stopped when she saw my tears, walking over and taking my hand.
"Your father will understand why your not there love, okay?"
"Okay" I whispered "I want to rest now"
"Of corse, I'll be outside if you need anything." She smiled and walked out, her small white pumps scraping the floor.
"Thanks a lot" I said, looking down at my chest.
"Why don't you just kill me now? You'll be doing everyone a favour."
My lungs replied with a harsh pain, striking with burning stabs as I screamed out. I couldn't breath.

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