Chapter 77 - Engagement

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Finally, one of the cutest chapters of this story is out: the Engagement of our dear Larmin🥰 I hope it brings warmth into your heart and get yourself ready, because in the next chapter, we'll have their first official Date as an engaged couple! 😱❤🦋 As a bonus, I'll bring some photo collages, a drawing and a song! It's gonna be a very special chapter, so don't miss it 😍 If you're willing, please don't forget to leave a comment about what you're thinking about the story so far, it's very important to me as an author, and I just freaking love reading your opinion! ♥ Many hugs from Nath!

Finally, one of the cutest chapters of this story is out: the Engagement of our dear Larmin ♥🥰 I hope it brings warmth into your heart and get yourself ready, because in the next chapter, we'll have their first official Date as an engaged couple!...

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Armin felt a tear come out of his eyes. He wanted to embrace Lara in his arms and kiss her until someone said enough. He wanted to tell her that she would never again feel that sadness for not being together, and that Lara would no longer need to draw only parts of him, because now his heart completely belonged to her.

But Armin was a responsible and righteous man, and he knew that that moment was not the time or place to kiss her passionately.

Good thing he thought that way, because once more, in the next instant, Levi popped up at the bedroom doorway. Lara smiled at her father, wiping away her own tear. Armin also wiped his, trying to act naturally.

"The pie's already in the oven," said Levi, leaning against the door, arms crossed. "It'll be ready in about thirty minutes."

"Thanks, Dad," Lara headed to her wardrobe and got some clothes. "I'm gonna bath, be right back," she smiled at Armin and left the bedroom.

Armin was extremely embarrassed to see Levi looking at him from the doorway. It was quite a weird situation. He was in the bedroom of the daughter of one of the most serious, tough guys he had ever met in his life. He felt totally exposed, as if Levi was inspecting him from top to bottom, searching for any flaws.

But to Armin's utter surprise, Levi assumed a comfortable posture, and sat down on Lara's bed, signaling for him to also sit down. Feeling shy, Armin complied. Levi lightly squeezed his shoulder.

"Should I talk about the rules or it's not necessary?" he asked, looking calmly at Armin.

"I-If you want to, please, you may," replied Armin, blinking several times.

Levi gazed at the landscape outside the window, thoughtful. After a few seconds, he said:

"You do know how Lara has her values and principles very well defined, don't you?"

"Yes," agreed Armin, firm and convinced. "She's a lady of much respect. I would never do anything wrong with her."

"Good," replied Levi, clapping his hands once, "I think we're done then."

Armin tried to force a smile, but he was still pretty embarrassed.

"Hey, relax," Levi gave him a light shake on his shoulder. "We want you to feel comfortable, now that you'll be part of our family."

Lara (Long-Fic Levihan | Armin Arlert X OC)Where stories live. Discover now