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So last chapter! War will happen



No way I was home. The floral sheets. The warm large sunlight windows , marble kitchen. It was all the same. All that changed was me. I was older, worse, and in even more trouble . at least my brother , Zac was there to protect me.

Why had he been so embarrassing with alex? It was bad enough having to detailed explain at the sheriff office. But, at least I had Alex to help. Alex, I loved him so much. He was my first functional

Boyfriend . Wait, were we dating ? He hadn't announced it but it kinda felt like it. It was a great feeling.

He ran his fingers in to mine. I looked up at him. He was Very attractive.

"perfect fit " I whispered? in his ear. I saw his face light up. We were safe now. No one would take is apart . I loved him

, he loved me! Sitting down on my old lime couch we snuggled and whispered about our futures . Soon enough it was dark and I fell asleep warm and SAFE.


The end

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2013 ⏰

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