to set me free

315 12 4

Warning: death, triggering words, suicide and more

to set me free, you set me free;

"ito lang?! ito lang maiibigay mo?! walang kwenta!" singhal ng nanay ko sa 'kin.

I work two jobs.

Professor and Manager at a restaurant.

sadly professor's salary is not that high and inflation is kicking up all around. 

My parents. My father is a retired lawyer, they used to run businesses back then but we ended up in debt. That was 3 years ago and we're still compensating. 

My brothers. 

I am the oldest, my brother and my youngest brother are twins and both are still finishing high school. 

Being the oldest, I need to pay their tuition, feed them up with my money.

I totally raised them

I used to take medicine 5 years ago but it's too expensive so my parents stop funding my tuition and i graduated law last year. I skipped a bar exam this year so instead of waiting I took my friend's offer to teach at the university. 

The salary s not enough to balance me and my family.

Basically, I am raising my family. 

"get out of our house! itinulak ako ng nanay ko sa labas na umuulan at itinapon ang mga damit sa'kin.

Too tired to fight, I don't even know what i'm fighting for.

I lost my hope and hope years ago.

"okay." wet with rainwater, tears are dropping. 

I started to walk away. 

Don't know where to go.

But at least I am out of that toxic household

But I sold my apartment 2 months ago. 

I want to finish something. 

Maybe the time has come, that i'll give up everything. 

Me and my secret girlfriend broke up a year ago consisting me to skip the bar exam fighting for us. 

My family just disowned me. 

My own life, i want to finish it. 

Walking on the sidewalk looking like a wet rat. Cars crossing.

I want to be free kahit sa huli lang. 

Tumuntong ako sa side ng bridge at du'n nag lakad, feeling the cold air. Heart skipping whenever i slip. 

Where's the highest building on Manila?

Intruse Building? Ferrer Hospital? St.Cruz Hospital? Ferrer hospital is the closest but not the highest, just the second highest. Enough for me.

The rain didn't stop nor cooled down. 

No regrets, I walked towards Ferrer Hospital, a nurse asked what can they do. But I said i am just visiting a relative which is partially on my part true. 

My grand father who's in a coma. 

So i visited to say goodbye at last. 

"papa, hello," nag mano ako sa kaniyang kamay. "its your favorite grand child, y/n."

"i just passed by, una na'ko sainyo, pagod na pagod na ako papa e. 'di ko na kaya. aalis na din ako" i kissed his cheeks and didnt stay long after. 

I walked by on the elevator and wait for its stop.

I woman bumped into me while laughing with a two other women.

"Oh, im so sorry!" she said. Her eyes met mine. Her happy eyes turned into concerned ones.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yes i am. Excuse me" lumikod na'ko at dumeritso sa elevator.

She was already walking but her eyes are still on me somehow.

The elevator closed..and a last glimpse of her.

I am alone in these pathetic elevator.

I look like shit, and i feel like one.

and finally. I'm on the roof.

It feels magical, cold air with tiny rain drops.

Suminghap ako sa hangin. I don't feel cold.

Lumapit ako sa reles.

"Helloo hoomans" i whispered blowing the cold night while looking down, lights in the city, i can see the bridge i walked on earlier. "why i am even here?" Iniisip ko lahat lahat ng mayroon at natira sa'kin. Inisip ko kung bakit pa ako nabubuhay? people have choices on life, and i pick this one.

"Worth it ba to?hmm?" i stayed long, remenicing the events in my life, core memories, lovely and painful memories. It stays only in my memory.


"Gag*" napahawak ako sa puso kong muntik ng mahulog.

"Sorry" pag pa pa umanhin niya, lumingon ako sakanya.

"Why are you here Ms Aika?"


"Ive seen and been in your achievements po, and you're the eldest daughter of Atty. Leni' she's the same woman i bumped onto to earlier.

"Oh thanks." Lumapit siya sa'kin.

a minute of silence. 

"why are you here?" 

i am tired, please, go away,

"i just wanna get some air po, Its too embarassing to see me like this." 

"Having a hard time? im sorry about what happened. Condolence" 


"the man you visited earlier died minutes ago" 

Ahh, sabing ako mauuna e.

"Yep, thank u"

"whats your name?"


"y/n, please get down na." 

"why?" you don't know what i've been trough. you don't get to decide for me. Just go away, "i can handle my self." 

"are you going to be fine?" 

"yes, its just a moment of weakness. so please, get out of here. I'll go down soon. I'll wait for the big rain." you cant handle the trauma seeing a person from your own national jump off a building.

she seems hesitant first but soon obeyed.

"Well, okay."

And I jumped.

With the raindrops, it feels so good.

I am free.

Aika POV:

oh my..

I haven't walk out the roof and i heard a sound.

She jumped.

I quickly run to the edge to see if she indeed did, and so i saw her body.

Lumabas ako sa building nang nag kakandarapa-rapa.

People are there and the doctors are rushing but i came first.

I saw her smile fade..her eyes closed.

And on June 13 2022 01:33 she no longer live.

A/N: i'm sorry. I wrote this to release my thoughts. Pasensiya nadamay kayo, if anyone need help maari niyo kong ma message dits.
Love u, stay strong babes!

Aika Robredo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now