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a/n this chapter is short/ a filler chapter

i woke up to my alarm
i switched it off and slipped out of the covers
i walked to my closet and changed

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i woke up to my alarmi switched it off and slipped out of the coversi walked to my closet and changed

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i sighed as i walked to my bathroom to change my bandages
i put some makeup on to cover my bruise and brushed my hair

i put on my converse and grab my things
i unlock my door and carefully walk downstairs
i peek around the corner and my dad is not there

i walk to the front door and begin my walk to the Blake's house
i turned into their driveway

i walked up to their door and knocked on it
Gwen opened it she was smiling
her smile dropped when she saw my face
"omg y/n are you ok"

"I'm fine i promise where's Finn?"
she looks behind her
as Finn appears
"hey y/- what happened"
he stared at my injures

"I'll tell you when we are walking"
we begin to walk on the sidewalk
i take a deep breathe
"it was my dad again he was upset"

"why was he upset?" Gwen asks
i shurg
we had finally arrived at school
as we're walking through the halls
a lot of people were staring at me
it kind of made me uncomfortable
Robin walks up to us

he pulls me to the bathroom
he looks at my face
"who did this to you" he asked upset
i look up at him
i sigh

"it was my dad he gets upset sometimes no big deal"

"well okay let me look" he pulls the bandages off
i forgot to clean it shit

he looks at me
"have you cleaned it" he asked grimacing
i shake my head

he sighs and begins to clean it
i flinch at the pain

"sorry" he says reassuringly
once he cleaned them and bandaged it up the bell rang
he takes my hand

"let's go" he tells me as we begin to walk
i let go of his hand and wave bye as i get to my class

i go and sit next to Finn
he looks at me with concern
he begins to speak

"are you sure you're alright"
i look towards him and smile

"I'm fine Finn don't worry about me"
i smile at him in a reassuring way
he looks at me for a second then turns towards the teacher
'this secret is really eating me inside'

after class i walked to my locker to grab some of my stuff
i closed it and about jumped out of my skin
fucking Gwen was behind it

i gasp
"jeez Gwen you scared the shit out of me"
she laughs
"sorry wanna walk to class together?"

"sure come on"
i grab her hand and we walk to her class together
once we arrived i said goodbye
i turned around and headed towards my class

*time skip to lunch cause I'm lazyy*
it was finally lunch
but to be honest i didn't have an appetite
i sat next to Gwen as her and Finn were talking about random stuff

they look at me
"hey y/n" they say at the same time
we all laugh
Robin walks up and sits next to me
i turn to him
"hey robin"
"hey hermosa" he smiles and puts his hand on my thigh 🦋🦋🦋
butterflies erupted in my stomach

"hey hermosa do you think i can come over tonight to hang out" he asks
i think
"of course what time?"

"how about 6 so i have time to pick up snacks" he responds

"of course I'll see you then" i tell him as the bell rings
we all stand up and walk to our classes

i walk into class and sit next to Donna
me and her finish our work together
we take a break and i turn to her

"what do you think of Finn" i ask
she blushes and stays quiet

"you like him don't you" i whisper and lean closer to her
she nods

"ask him out I'm sure he likes you back"

"i will after class" she tells me
when class ends she pulls him aside to talk
me and Gwen were watching
Gwen was smirking

after a few minutes Finn walks over blushing
"sooo?" Gwen asks him
"we're dating"

Gwen starts to squeal before Finn covers her mouth embarrassed
i laugh
we all walk together

Gwen was making kissing noises at Finney
"mwah mwah i love you so much Donna"
Finn lightly smacks her head
as me and Gwen are basically dying

we arrive at their house and i wave bye as they walk in
i dreadly walk home
I'm so fucking nervous

when i get home i carefully walk in and my dad and max are talking
"hey guys i have someone coming over at 6" i tell them my dad looks at me

"that's fine I'm leaving for work at 5"
i nod even tho i know he is lying
i walk up the stairs and open my bedroom door
i set my stuff by my desk

i begin my homework before Robin got here
once i finished i went and sat on my bed staring at the ceiling waiting for Robin

i waited an hour

2 hours

3 hours

4 hours

5 hours

6 hours

then i fell asleep

Robin never showed up....

889 words

this chapter is kind of bad but the next chapters will be better:)

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