Chapter 1-From A to E

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Credit to the one who drew/created the pic above. I absolutely love it.

Hope you will like the story.

- S. Nawfal

? ? ? p.o.v

I watch the kids, all full of energy as they climb the small mountain to reach their classroom. One of them laughs at something his friend said, while two others are having a heated conversation about some way to kill their teacher. The students of this class look happy. Surprising since they are in the worst class of their school. I've been watching for too long now, my plan is finally in place, I know what I needed from observing. It's been a long time since I've been holding back. I think it's time I get on the field.

Your p.o.v

I make my way to the principal's office. I knock on the black, dark brown, wooden door and wait. When I hear a 'come in', I open the door and find myself in front of the principal and his son.

''Weclome, how may I help you?'' The oldest man, most probably the principal, asked me.

He throws me a smile, one that I know is fake. I feign shyness, holding my hands behind my back and balancing on my feets.

''Sorry to bother you, I would like to join your school. I sent you a letter a few days earlier. Although I never received an answer?''

''Oh! You must be Miss L/n?''

''That would be me indeed.''

The principal, who's name is Gakuho Asano, based on his office name plaque, gave me a new look. His eyes seem to have lightened at the mention of my letter.

''Is it possible for me to join? Or do I have to wait until next year?''

''It is going to be possible for you to join, you would be a perfect addition to our school, I am sure of it.''

I give him a small smile, faking some nervousness.

''What do I have to do?''

''Simply answer a small quiz, they'll assign you your classroom.''

The boy with orange hair, no doubt Gakuho's son, hands me a small document of ten pages along with a pencil and an eraser.

''You can start''Gakuho tells me.

I took my documents and started.

A quarter of an hour later, I give my sheets to the principal. He seems surprised to see me finish so quickly, but he just smiles and starts to correct. When he finished the correction, he looks at the paper, seemingly frozen on place. His son appears confused and walks over to him to see what made his father, the normally cold and manipulative man, freeze in shock.

Once his eyes find my mark, he raises his eyes and stares at me with a number of emotions twirling in his eyes. I can recognize respect, shock and mostly surprise, along with some kind of admiration, although I have no idea if it is for the mark or for my person. By the way his cheek heats up when he notices me looking in his eyes, I am almost sure it's a mix of both.

I hide my smirk at the way he reacts to me, before feigning far.

''What is it? Did I fail?'' I questioned them, knowing very well that there was no way I could've failed this. My cousin trained me and taught me everything he knew. And that was a lot of things.

''No, I think you are the first one that gets full marks on this'' the youngest Asano answers.

''Good, so you will be in the same class as my son. Miss L/n, this is Gakushuu Asano. Gakushuu, you are in charge of her. Make her visit the school.''

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