(22) back to the future, or something like that

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SAM CONTINUED HOLDING ROBIN'S HAND as they fled around corridors with their hearts beating like bass drums against the confines of rib cages. She started to feel better the longer that Robin dragged her, life started coming back to her legs and her face started to hurt less as the cold air from the speed of their run cooled her bruises.

"Where are we going?" Erica called in annoyance as Dustin held up his hand which caused them all to crash into each other. Sam felt as though she could hear footsteps behind her even when she couldn't.

"Just trust me" Dustin whispered before he opened a large white door and stuck his head out cautiously, looking left and right, "All clear...Come on!"

Sam led Robin this time as the girl started to spin around with giggles escaping her lips Steve was trying to clap his hands around a fly that didn't actually exist and Sam gave him an exasperated look before she turned around and realised they were back inside the mall.

She could hear the leaking sounds from the cinema, food papers rustling and the echoed sound of talking. Her feet walked across carpet stained with sugary drinks and popcorn cornels. Her boots crunched over the few full pieces of the snacks as she followed Dustin, looking behind her religiously.

Sam grabbed Robin's shoulders and pushed the girl in front of her just to get her through the door.

"Oooh, train" Steve laughed as he pressed his hands onto Sam's shoulders, she rolled her eyes at this but kept walking until they rounded the corner into the large cinema.

Back To The Future was playing in bright colour, the shades of blue falling out the screen encapsulated in the attention of two characters. Sam hadn't heard much about this film yet but she didn't care. After all, they were simply here to escape the wrath of evil Russians and film critics weren't exactly her first priority.

The seats were velvet and uncomfortable looking. Sam watched the sea of brightly lit faces as she paced down the aisle beside the chairs. All these people blissfully unaware that there was a secret Russian operation happening right beneath their feet. Sam saw couples and families, friends and people who simply looked like they wanted to be alone. Sam found solace in this idea.

"You three sit" Dustin pointed to a few seats directly at the front row. The blinding lights so close to her eyes made Sam's head hurt. She wondered if any of these people would see her blood stained skin or Steve's puffed up eye. With their attention attached on the film, she doubted they'd care.

"No, no, no!" Robin groaned, "These seats are too close"

Sam pulled her arm down into the chair next to her before she followed this action with Steve. He was shoving handfuls of buttery popcorn into his mouth, small speckles getting stuck to the sweat on his palm as he completely missed his mouth and sent a large amount of popped up clouds onto his crotch. Steve didn't seem to notice.

"Dude, these seats blow" he instead complained.

"Then don't watch the movie" Dustin hissed angrily as Sam closed her eyes and leant her head back on the rest behind her. She was grateful for the distraction, maybe now she could finally sleep. She'd missed sleep.

"We wanna watch it" Robin argued.

"Then watch it!" Dustin sounded like an overworked parent.

"Shhh!" Someone from behind hissed very close to Sam's ear, she jumped forwards in surprise, jolted awake by the sheer closeness of it all. For a moment she'd feared it was a Russian but that all seemed so stupid now. 

"Shhh!" Robin replied with equal annoyance.

"Whatever you do, don't go anywhere" Dustin stated clearly before he gave Sam a look that said 'keep an eye on them'. Sam felt this was futile. Steve and Robin were already energetic and unpredictable without the drugs pumping through their systems. Anyway, she just wanted to rest.

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