(26) toddfather

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"OH MAN, NOW THIS..." Steve sighed in admiration, "This is what I'm talking about!"

Sam pushed out the door after Robin to see a car waiting for them in the mall parking lot. It was certainly different from Steve's maroon BMW. The car was cream and had a drop top, the seats were red leather and pristinely polished, shining in every light that Starcourt threw at it.

"Toddfather?" Robin stated skeptically, staring at the personalised license plate.

"Oh, screw Todd!" Steve threw the keys in the air and caught them with a swift flick of his wrist. "Steve's her daddy now"

Sam almost stopped in her tracks, staring at Steve as though he'd just personally been responsible for ruining her evening.

"Did you just talk about yourself in the third person?" Robin muttered under her breath.

"Did he just call himself daddy?" Erica asked in annoyance.

"Steve when I said you were going up in estimations I was wrong, so very wrong" Sam added before she grabbed the handle on the passenger door.

"Shotgun!" Robin called enthusiastically.

"I'm literally standing by the door" Sam turned to her,

"Yeah but you didn't say shotgun" Robin raised her eyebrows.

"They are the rules" Steve smiled up at her from the drivers seat.

"Oh screw you Harrington" Sam muttered before she pushed herself over the front seat and swung into the back between Dustin and Erica who complained under their breaths about being jostled in their seats by Sam's presence. She ignored them and pulled her seatbelt on with a sour look in Robin's direction, the girl just laughed as she jumped into the car, her hair flurrying around her shoulders. Her laugh was like a silver bed and truthfully, Sam could never get mad at her.

"Alright, where are we going?" Steve turned to Dustin.

"Weather top"

"Weather what?" He frowned.

"Just drive!" Dustin stated impatiently, he clutched his walkie-talkie between his hands anxiously, eyes drifting to the mall and back every two seconds.

"Okay, Jesus" Steve raised his eyebrows before he pulled the car into reverse and swung it out of the parking lot, turning his head to ensure he didn't hit anything before he sped from the lot. Dustin stated some simple instructions at him as Steve messed with the radio.

"I love this song" Steve stated happily, turning the dial until the music practically shook the trees alongside the pathway next to them. Sam sunk further into her seat and stared at the path of stars guiding their way down the potholed tarmac.

"Just take those old records off the shelf!" Steve sang loudly, hitting his hands off the side of the steering wheel, "I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself"

"Regretting that shotgun yet?" Sam leant forwards, her face close to the side of Robin's neck.

"What makes you think that?" Robin grumbled.

"Today's music ain't got the same soul!" Steve continued to sing, his voice deliberately lower than usual, "I like that old time rock and roll"

Sam fell back into the seat again, closing her eyes as Steve's voice revolved like an alarm in her mind. She was painfully aware that she hadn't slept in over a day, her head felt like a burning fire pit and she'd become so used to the headache she harboured that it was simply part of her conscious. She knew there was no point trying for sleep now that they were on their way to murder a big fleshy spider monster but she rested her head back on the red leather seat behind her regardless and felt the noise of Steve blur around her.

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