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The tavern was loud enough that Cera barely heard the man next to her suggest that they leave the bar and head up to the room he bought. Cera flashed a grin and slowly stood allowing him to lead her. As they trudged up the steps, the noise below became muffled. And when they got to the room, it was nearly silent save for the occasional joyous shout.

Cera slowly closed the door and the moment it snicked shut, she was striding towards him with beautiful fluidity. She set her purse on the bedside table and pulled out a rose-scented lip balm.

"I heard that you favour rose scents on a woman. Does this meet your need?"

She uncapped the balm and held it out to the man.

Lord Elien pulled in a deep breath to take in the oils. He let out a grunt of approval and looked up at her from his seat on the rickety bed.

"That, my dear, is precisely why I requested you. You really know how to please a man."

Cera let out a smile and slowly started to apply the lip balm. She had to take special care as to not get any on her tongue as she worked it into the groves of her naturally plump lips.

When she was done, she didn't have time to put it back into her purse before Elien pulled her into him by her hips. She expertly stumbled into him and he snaked his hands up the bodice of her dress. When he had a fist full of her dark hair, he pulled her down into a sloppy kiss. A series of kisses.

Cera smirked into the kisses and when Elien started to trail his lips down her jaw and neck, Cera was pleased when he pulled back to take a deep breath. Cera took in the glaze in his eyes and smiled. She ran a hand through his rough curls with her ice blue eyes gleaming.

"How would you like me, Lord Elien?"

The Lord beamed, but he didn't get to answer as he fell back.

Elien slipped from Cera's hands and landed on his back on the bed. Cera waited a moment before she took a step back. With casual calmness, she took her purse into her hand, placed the balm in the fabric, and silently slinked out of the dirty tavern inn. When she got to the streets, she pulled the hood of her cloak over her black curls.

When she rounded the corner, there was another hooded figure leaning against the wall. Cera kept her pace even and the figure fell into step beside the courtesan. They waited for another block before they figure spoke.

"You smell like stale ale."

Cera let out a breath. "He was drunk enough to spill nearly an entire pint on me."

She pulled at her skirts to show the figure the stain on her red dress. "I loved this dress, too."

The figure pulled back her hood far enough that Cera saw the beautiful blonde of her hair.

"I love the way it accentuates your bust."

Cera linked her arm with the woman. "You're just jealous that I can pull off this neckline."

Celaena rolled her eyes. When they turned to the next block, that's when the rain started to trickle. Cera groaned, but Celaena pulled her along.

"Sam's with the carriage on the next block."

Cera pulled her cloak tighter around her, and sure enough, when they turned the corner, Sam was waiting next to Arobynn's carriage.

When the girls were out of the rain, they pulled back their hoods and let out a sigh. Cera sat back for a moment before she pulled the rose balm from her purse. She handed it to Celaena and the assassin opened it and put it up to her nose. She jerked back almost immediately.

A Blade from the Wastes - Throne of GlassWhere stories live. Discover now