The Attack

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The night after Yulemas, Aelia found herself in the library, again. She was on the deep level, but she could see plenty with her candle. She wasn't sure what exactly she was looking for, but she was headed in the direction of the witches. She had already found a book about the earlier bloodlines of the Ironteeth witches. She found it fascinating and wished to learn more. Just as she was about to ascend to the top level, a strong emotion made her pause.

But where was it coming from?
Aelia shelved the book she had and turned.
The passageways.

She had to be further down for Aelia to sense such fear. Aelia knew that there was a conducting entrance in the library. She hurried two levels down and came to a standalone bookshelf. She pulled at one side and it slid from the wall to reveal a dark, stone staircase. Aelia quickly walked in and pulled the secret door shut.

With the candle still in her hand, she rushed towards Celaena. She didn't quite have the tunnels memorized, but when a deep roar shook the stone, Aelia knew right where to go. She broke into a sprint, dropping the candle, and the closer she got to Celaena, the more she could taste the fear. She skidded around the corner and heard a deep impact.

Then the shatter of what was probably a wooden door. Another roar sounded and when she bounded around another corner, she smacked right into Celaena. The assassin had wide eyes but quickly registered Aelia. Celaena pushed at Aelia's body to get her to run, but Aelia stood frozen when a hideous beast slinked around the corner.

The beast seemed to pause at the sight of Aelia. Celaena was still pushing at Aelia, but the action seemed to agitate the beast. As the creature wound up to strike, Aelia saw the claws meet stone with sparks. The next second it lunged. Aelia did what her instincts told her. She forced Celaena behind her and pushed her down the stairs. Celaena fought against her and that in turn made Aelia late in dodging the claws.

The sharpness of the claws easily ripped Aelia's dress as well as her skin. The entire left side of her body burst in pain as deep blue blood coated her rose-coloured dress. Even with as much pain as she was suddenly in, she was still able to protect Celaena. Aelia could feel the tear in her skin, but that didn't stop her from keeping herself between Celaena and the beast.

Aelia was able to push Celaena down the stairs and they took off. Every motion was agonizing to Aelia and she wondered just how deep the claws went. The beast got in another wicked slash down Aelia's back before Celaena pulled both of them through a doorway and into the tomb deep below the castle.

The beast completely missed the doorway, and now it was time for Celaena to protect Aelia. Aelia fell to the floor as Celaena picked up the ancient sword behind the sarcophagi. Celaena quickly put the beast down, but at the risk of its teeth puncturing her hand. For a moment it was silent in the tomb; apart from both their gasping.

Aelia surveyed both their wounds, but she didn't have time to warn Celaena about the poison on the beast's claws and teeth. Celaena whirled around with wide eyes.
"Oh, gods. What did you do?"
She rushed to Aelia's side.
"It would have killed you."

Aelia gasped in pain as Celaena tried to pull her up.

"Stupid. Don't ever do that again!"
Celaena's voice held fear as she put an arm under Aelia's shoulders. Aelia wanted to shout in pain, but she grit her teeth.
"You know why I did it."

As quickly as they could they trudged up the steps.
"I could give a damn about myself. You're rutting pregnant!"
They made it back to Celaena's rooms, but they weren't safe yet. Aelia could hear Celaena's heart slowing. Aelia could fight off the poison for longer than Celaena, but the assassin was right. She wasn't alone anymore, but her instinct to protect Celaena was still strong.

They trudged to the door when Celaena suddenly collapsed. Which made Aelia fall. Blue blood quickly coated the carpet. Aelia fell to her back and Celaena was on her side. Aelia went to push herself up to get help, but she heard a small patter of shoes.

"Nehemia!" Aelia's shout was feeble.
The door whined open and the princess of Eyllwe saw the mess before her.
"Aelia! Lillian!"

Nehemia dropped to her knees just as Celaena went unconscious. Aelia was obviously in worse condition, but she pushed Nehemia away.

"Get Celaena. Heal her if you can."
Aelia knew Nehemia knew how.
"And you?"
Aelia forced herself to sit up. "Help Celaena. She's more important."

Nehemia hesitated only a moment before following Aelia's order. Once Nehemia had Celaena in the bathing room, she used the furniture to get her to the front door. She pulled it open and Ress was the first person she saw.
"Your Highness!"

Aelia fell, but Ress quickly caught her. He shouted to the other guard to get Chaol and Dorian as Ress fell to his knees from Aelia's weight. Blue blood coated his uniform as well as the floor. He knew of Aelia's blood, so that wasn't what shocked him.

"What the hell happened?"

Aelia started to see black dots. "Poison."
She fought against the dots. She needed to stay awake, if she closed her eyes, she was as good as dead.

"Aelia, what happened?" Ress gently shook her.

"A beast. In the tunnels." Her blood warmed her dress. "Not of this world." Footsteps sounded in the hall. "Claws were poisonous." A shout of her name.
Ress quickly looked up and thanked the gods that Chaol had come quickly. Chaol crashed to his knees and hovered his hands over Aelia's body.

Chaol finally pulled Aelia into his arms and started to run to the healers with Ress and the second guard following. Each step caused so much pain, but Aelia bit down her shouts. She could hear Chaol ask her questions, but she couldn't answer. Finally, they crashed through the infirmary doors. Amithy was at their side a moment later.

"Set her here."
Aelia felt her body spread along a table. Motions around her came in blurs and she vaguely felt a burn slide down her throat as a tonic was administered.
She needed to say awake.
She gripped onto Chaol's hand, which was sticky with her blood.

"I need to stay awake."
She could barely hear her voice.
"Aelia. How far along are you?"
Aelia could faintly see Amithy in her vision.

"Aelia. How far into your pregnancy are you?"
Aelia blinked.
How far was she?

Amithy put a hand to her forehead to feel for fever.
Aelia nodded. Amithy disappeared for a moment and the black dots got harsher.
"I need to say awake."
Chaol was in her vision, but he wasn't talking to her.

"What can I do?"
"Hold her down. If I don't apply a clotting facture, she'll bleed to death. The sedation tonic will not take effect for another few minutes."
Chaol looked to Ress and they both put their hands on Aelia as Amithy pulled a thick liquid from the cabinet. Another healer held the bowl while Amithy dipped a cloth into the liquid.

"Forgive me, Your Highness."
Then the liquid was applied.
Aelia started to shout and writhe almost immediately. Her strength nearly outmatched the men and two more healers needed to help hold her down. Aelia's shouts filled the room and when Amithy was nearly finished, the door burst open and Dorian rushed in with a guard behind him.

With wide eyes, he hurried to Aelia's head. Amithy applied the last of the liquid, but Aelia kept shouting. It took another minute for her to calm enough to only whimper. It was another minute before the questions started.
"What the rutting hell happened?"

Dorian was panicking.
But before Chaol could speak, the door opened again and Nehemia stood there.
"I may have an answer to that." She was completely calm.
They all looked to her, but she looked to Amithy. "I can help, but they need to go."
She gestured to the men and the healers.

"Like hell, I'm leaving!"
She calmly looked to Dorian. "Please."
The word truck all of them and Chaol nodded. The captain hauled Dorian out and soon it was just Amithy and Nehemia.

"I require your discretion from here on out."
Amithy nodded. Nehemia looked to Aelia and prayed to the gods that she could heal her enough not to scar. 

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