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"Owner" Sasuke
"Pet" Naruto-Fox

Naruto jumped around on all fours, yipping and barking. His ears flat against his head while his tail was swishing back and forth (like the tail he gets from his chakra)

Sasuke just sat there and looked at him. He was extremely confused. He had walked into Naruto's apartment to drop something off since he decided to skip training today, like the dumb dobe he is, but sasuke wasn't expecting this!

He leaned down and Naruto just yipped again and rubbed his body against sasuke's leg.

Sasuke noticed a collar on Naruto, so he grabbed it and read it. On the collar it said "Naruto Uzumaki". Sasuke knew this, so he flipped it. On the other side it read "Pet Regressor. When one's mind reverts back into ones instictual manners, resulting in said person acting like an animal".

'Ooohhhh! So this is what this is!' Sasuke thought

"Well, I guess I can't just leave you alone now can I?"

Sasuke thought aloud, smiling lightly when naruto barked and ran into a different room of the apartment.

Sasuke heard a knock at the door. He turned on his heal, now facing the door, and opening it. Clicking his tounge, while the look of distaste only etching more dramatically on his face when he realized who it was.


He felt naruto nudge at his leg, yipping upsetly when Sasuke pushed him back and into the house.

Sakura had a puzzled look on her face as to who made the yip noise but discarded the thought quickly, returning her attention to Sasuke.

"Soo Sasuke~" She started

"Hn." He replied. His infamous Uchiha scowl, practically drawing wrinkles out of his face.

"I was thinking maybe we could-" she was cut off mid sentence as Naruto had pushed himself through Sasuke's legs and ran, still on all fours and with his ears and tail, around town.

Everybody was inside because of how hot it was so no one seemed to notice Naruto.

"God damnit Sakura." Sasuke said, annoyed, under his breathe.

Sakura was awestruck. Naruto had just came bounding out of the house on all fours, yipping and barking like a fox with both ears and a tail. She needed to go home and take a breather.

Sasuke was running all around town trying to find Naruto. When he finally did he started lightly scolding him.

"Stupid dobe! Don't go running around like that. Someone could hurt you ya know!" Sasuke yelled. Although, he couldn't stay mad at him long, as Naruto had layed on his back, tail wagging and ears flat against the floor, looking goofily up at the teme who had chased him around town.

He chuckled lightly to himself, and whistled to naruto.

Naruto immediately stood up and started running around, staying near Sasuke of course.

They had eventually run into some of their friends on their way back.

Shikamaru was bewildered at his buddies state, Ino thought he was the cutest thing to ever live and was scratching him behind the ears while cooing at the silly faces he made, and Choji honestly couldn't care less about if he was turned into a literal dog or not. He just wanted food.

"Is he under some type of genjustu?" Shimamaru asked skeptically.

"Can I keep him?" Ino asked absentmindedly, not taking her eyes away from Naruto, who had now begun to sniff, and chew on a flower, sniffling lightly from the pollen.

"No, and no." Sasuke replied (much to Ino's dismay)

"Alright. Well, we have to go get barbecue otherwise Choji's gonna explode." Shikamaru explained dramatically, adding extra emphasis to the 'Explode' part.

Ino pouted as the three had begun back to their original destination as Naruto and Sasuke finally made it back to Naruto's apartment.

"You're adorable dobe" Sasuke said, chuckling lightly, as Naruto emmited a quite purring noise from his throat.

Sasuke was sprawled on Naruto's bed, while Naruto layed on his chest sideways, his ears relaxed, drooping, and his tail curled up through his legs and against his chest.

"Goodnight dobe" Sasuke said, lightly kissing Naruto's forhead, before falling alseep with a peaceful expression.

'This is gonna be exciting to explain tomorrow' Sasuke thought, as he finally fell asleep, a cute fox in his hands.



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