Shikanaru 🍼

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Just before I start, I use a wheel of names to pick which characters I use for the main ship since I haven't gotten any requests
Tw: Minor panick attack(??? Pls correct if wrong, thx! <3) and nightmare

Little- Naruto

Team 7 and Team 10 go on a mission together. Both teams find out a rather adorable secret about Naruto and help him.

Team 7 and Team 10 had gone on an easy C rank mission. They had gone to a small village to help with small tasks for the week. Like pulling weeds or helping old ladys with their groceries.

Naruto hadn't regressed in about 2 weeks, when he usually regressed about 2 times a week. On a lucky occasion 3 times.

He had been stacked up with ninja work and ninja training that slipping had completely slipped (haha, get it???) his mind.

They had chosen to stay at a small and cozy inn for the week and they had just gotten back from a long day of work.

Naruto was both tired and bored and had thought about regressing once or twice, but quickly shoved the thought away when he had remembered that he was sharing a room with his boyfriend, Shikamaru.

He laid down on the shared bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking about his fox plush and pacifier that he had absentmindedly packed just in case he needed it.

Shikamaru stood in the bathroom door frame, only pants on, and gazed worried at Naruto.

"Is something bothering you? Because if something was its probably a total drag." Shikamaru stated, walking over to the bed and sitting on the end.

"No no I'm fine! Just tired!" Naruto stated. He knew Shikamaru wouldn't believe him. He was a horrible liar afterall.

"Alright, well get down here so we can go to sleep" Shikamaru said, dragging Naruto down to spoon him.

Naruto shot up with a gasp. He had tears running down his face at an alarming speed and his breathing was ragged.

He had woken up because of an awful nightmare he had and that was the final straw.

He was fully regressed, around the age of a newly 2 year old. Crying and breathing uneven and heavy.

Shikamaru had woken up to what he assumed to be the sound of crying. He turned his head and saw Naruto, in a total state of distress.

He quickly got a grip on reality and hugged him close.

"Naruto? What happened?" Shikamaru asked, afraid that if he said one wrong word he might upset him even more.

"Daddy!" Naruto cried into his shoulder. He couldn't say anything other than that and a few words like 'Ramen' and 'Want'.

Shikamaru, as confused as he was, continued rubbing his hands on Naruto's back in a circular motion trying to calm him down.

Once he had finally calmed down he had fallen asleep against Shikamaru.

Shikamaru decided to think nothing of it and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Shikamaru was awoken by babbling and shaking. He had opened his eyes slowly.

"Naruto? Why are you up so early?" Shikamaru questioned skeptically.

"Daddy!" Naruto squealed in delight, tightly hugging Shikamaru while keeping the pacifer in and the fox plush in hand.

"Wan." Naruto dryly stated after letting go of Shikamaru. Shikamaru was beyond confused but pushed that aside to make sure he was ok.

"What do you want?" He asked confused.

"Wan." Naruto said, slising off the bed and walking towards the door. He waddled mostly but still made it there. He turned his head and faced Shikamaru, still at the door.

"Wan ramen. Daddy come" Naruto said again, throught his pacifier, before slipping on his jacket and horribly trying to get his shoes on.

Shikamaru had to walk over and get his shoes on the right feet, before picking him up (he was surprisingly light) and placing him on his hip.

Shikamaru walked to the breakfest area and sat Naruto down on a stool at a table. He leaned down and looked Naruto sternly in the eyes.

"Now you stay here alright? Troublesome blonde." Shikamaru had added the last part under his breathe and walked away to get some ramen for him.

He had heard Naruto squeal and him running. He dashed into the room, only to be met with a smiling Naruto in the arms of Sasuke, giggling lightly.

Sasuke twirled him in the air and rested him on his hip gently.

"What are you doing here all lone little one?" Sasuke asked.

"Daddy!" Naruto squealed jumping out of Sasuke's hands and into Shikamaru arms, wrapping his legs around his waist and his arms ariund his neck. He nuzzled his head into his neck and Shikamaru helped support him with his hands.

Shikamaru shrugged and grew even more confused as Sakura came in, arms out like an airplane with a pacifier in her mouth and a teddy bear in hand.

"Uncie suke!!!" Sakura said excitedly, giving Sasuke a quick hug before going over to Shikamaru and grabbing Naruto by his hand, leading the mentally younger to a table nearby to sit down.

At that moment ino burst through the door panting. "Shes. Really. Fast." Ino gasped out. She walked over to Sakura and lightly rubbed her knuckles on her head.

She picked Sakura up and started talking to her. Sasuke, after picking Naruto up and putting him on his hip, returned his attention to Shikamaru.

"I'm guessing you don't know whats going on." Sasuke stated, gesturing to a seat at the table.

"Not a clue" Shikamaru said back, following suite and sitting down. Before Sasuke could start talking he handed over a yawning Naruto to Shikamaru, who cradled him.

Sasuke explained what age regression was, and that he helped his boyfriend Neiji regress (I'm sorry but I love that ship-) he also explained how to help Naruto out and take proper care of him.

Shikamaru listened intently, bouncing his leg and slowly lulling Naruto to sleep.

"So, do you understand?" Sasuke asked.

"Yea, pretty much. Thanks" Shikamaru said, before lightly kissing Naruto's forehead.

"Hey baby boy, wanna wake up and have some ramen?" Shikamaru asked quietly.

Naruto yawned lightly and shook his head yes. Shikamaru balenced him on his hip and got his ramen ready.

Once they had sat down and Shikamaru realised that Naruto didn't know how to feed himself, he picked up the chopsticks and held his hand under the noodles, blowing on them lightly.

Naruto ate them happily and finished rather quickly.

"You had enough hunny?" Shikamaru asked.

"Mhmm" Naruto said. As Shikamaru went to put the bowl in the trash Naruto had run over to Sakura and started baby babbling to her.

Shikamaru said bye to Ino before picking Naruto up and bringing him to their room, setting him down for a nap with his orange pacifier with bright orange sequins that said "Baby Fox", His fox footie pajamas with little ears and a little tail, and his fox plushie.

As Naruto layed relaxed on Shikamaru while Shikamaru hummed him to sleep, Shikamaru smiled down at the sleeping face and thought 'I wouldn't have this any other way' before kissing him on his forhead and getting some extra shut-eye aswell.

1206 WORDS

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