Kankuro + Naruto (Not a ship)

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Its 1 in the morning
This is Ganaru but Garaa had to go to work, so he had to get his brother to watch Naruto

Little- Naruto
Cg- Garaa
Babysitters- Kankuro, Temari

Naruto was sad that his appa had to leave. He didn't want him to go to work because cuddling was funner. Even though Garaa thought the ssme, he couldn't neglect his duties as Kazekage.

Kankuro, who was currently in a squatted position, had a staring competition with Naruto.

Naruto didn't like it so he started tearing up and hugging his plush to his chest.

"Oh uh- Don't- Don't cry! Please! God I suck with children." Kankuro muttered the last part. He didn't know what to do so he kinda just stood there for a little bit.

Temari walked into the room and saw the little just sitting on the floor with Kankuro doing nothing but staring aimlessly at him.

"Hey sugar! Auntie T is heeereee!" Temari called, dragging out the e's to make Naruto laugh. Temari stood next to Kankuro and looked at Naruto.

"So. Do you want a beer?" Kankuro asked Naruto. Naruto cocked his head to the side, confused as to what a beer was and why he was being offered one.

"Hes four!" Temari turned around and yelled at Kankuro.

"I don't know! What am I supposed to do with him?!" Kankuro yelled back, flailing his arms in every which way.

Naruto, who was confused, scared, and definitely younger than four, started bursting into tears on the floor.

"Now look what you've done!" Temari said angrily to Kankuro before picking Naruto up and putting him on her hip.

"Now go sit in a corner, and think about what you've done!" Temari called from the kitchen, where she was preparing his sippy cup with juice.

Naruto started giggling at Kankuro being in trouble, as Kankuro sulked and went to sit on the, way to small for him, colorful timeout chair in the corner.

"Now this is just cruel..." Kankuro replied sadly, fake tears falling down his face.

Naruto's bottom lip came out in a pout as he jumped out of Temari's arms. He waddled over to Kankuro, who was still sitting in the timeout chair, and hugged him, wiping his fake tears.

"Is otay Kk. You no in twobwe! Wigh Aunie T?" Naruto asked. "You goda powagise!" Naruto said again, this time looking at Temari.

"Alright. I'll say sorry to him." Temari sulked. She knew she couldn't get away without saying sorry, but found Naruto absolutely adorable.

Temari walked over to Kankuro and kicked the back of the chair. Not hard enough to knock him off but hard enough to unbalance him for a little bit.

He quickly righted himself and turned around to face Temari, looking her in the eyes.

"So?" He questioned.

"Sorry I guess." She replied back.

Naruto continued to play with his toys, after he had tired both Temari and Kankuro out.

His appa came home and he got to cuddle, just like he had wanted to.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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