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I'm in between headspaces rn so this is gonna be a little bad
TW: v0m1t1ng, and s1ckn3ss

Cgs: Hinata and Kiba
Little: Naruto

Naruto whined quietly, lightly tugging on Hinata's shirt. Hinats turned around and looked at him.

"I'm sorry Naruto but I'll be done in a little bit." Hinata said, as sternly as she could. She had told him to wait more than once snd then she'd give him her attention but he wasn't listening.

Naruto huffed loudly and started throwing a tantrum. Arms flailing, feet kicking, and whining non-stop.

She eventually, as much as she didn't want to, put him in the timeout corner. If he kept making this big of a ruckus then he'd wake Kiba up from his nap, and Kiba really needed one after a tiring day.

Naruto quietly sobbed in the corner, holding his stomach and whining every once in a while.

Hinata had set his timer to 10 minutes because he didn't listen the first time she told him to stop.

Kiba practically flew out of the room at top speed, appearing on high alert.

Hinata turned around, embarrassed. "Ah, sorry Kiba. I don't understand what's gotten into Naruto lately, you can go back to bed now-"

Hinata was cut off by Kiba sniffing the air once again, and rushing towards Naruto.

"Oh poor thing. Come here" Kiba cooed softly, as Naruto crawled into his chest and sobbed.

"Kiba, he was throwing a tantrum you can't go over there and reward bad behaviour." Hinata said.

Kiba picked Naruto up on his hip and walked into the kitchen, Naruto still softly sobbing.

"Hinata, I'm not rewarding bad behaviour. He's to young to talk to you, right?" Kiba asked, while setting a now sniffling Naruto down on the counter.

"Yea?" Hinata replied confused.

"So, has he tried to tell you he's not feeling well? Because I could smell it from my room, he has a high fever." Kiba remarked.

Hinata stood there for a moment, stunned. She hadn't thought of that. Naruto did seem a little off the entire day, a little more drowsy, a little more on edge.

She had finally taken in what Kiba had said and rushed over to Naruto, picking him up.

"Oh my precious angel! Mommy's so sorry, I didn't realise you didn't feel well!" Hinata apologized profusely.


Naruto's eyes got a bit bigger and he jumped out of Hinata's hands, wobbling to the bathroom.

The sound of vomiting could be heard from the kitchen, where Kiba had finally gotten the medicine.

Hinata ran into the bathroom and rubbed Naruto's back as he emptied his stomach. Once he was finished Hinata flushed the toilet and picked him up.

She brought him to the threes shared room and picked out a baby blue bottle with little designs of the sun on it, bright orange footie panjamas, and his blue pacifier with sequins that said "Naruto".

She dressed him up in everything, putting a diaper on him as he was starting to enter baby space, probably only 6-ish months old.

She picked him up and put the medicine in his angel milk, feeding him the bottle as he sucked on the nipple soothingly.

Hinata gave him extra cuddles and attention because she felt bad that she had put him in timeout because he was trying to tell her he felt bad.

Kiba also gave Naruto plenty of attention with cuddles and kisses on his nose and forehead.

They all fell asleep, Hinata and Kiba with one of the cutest littles in the world.

They all softly lulled to sleep by the nursery rhymes they had put on for Naruto and soft snores could soon be heard from their room.

624 words
One of my shorter ones sorry
I'll try to edit both chapters tmrw
I quite like this ship
Remember to correct anything but pls don't be rude about it 😚
Thx for reading my chaos creators!
Have a good night/evening/morning/day!

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