Chapter 10

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As the group left the Top Box and made their way slowly down the purple-carpeted stairs, they were gradually caught up in the crowds that were now flooding out of the stadium and back to their campsites. Raucous singing was borne toward them on the night air, as they all retraced their steps along the lantern-lit path, leprechauns constantly shooting over their heads, cackling and waving their lanterns.

By the time both the Banneker and Weasley parties had gotten back to the tents, nobody felt like sleeping, which, given the level of noise around them, would've been had enough anyway. So, Thomas and Mr Weasley both agreed that the children could stay up for one last cup of cocoa together, before having to turn in, so Nate and Hermione wandered over to the Weasley's tent, with Luna staying behind at the Banneker's tent, claiming she didn't feel like being surrounded by all the Weasleys. And as soon as Nate and Hermione walked into the Weasley tent, they were immediately involved in several friendly arguments about the match, including one between Mr Weasley and Charlie regarding cobbing.

After a while, however, Ginny fell asleep right at the tiny table that was present in the Weasley's tent, spilling hot chocolate all over the floor, so Mr Weasley called a halt to all the verbal replays, insisting everyone go to bed. So, Nate and Hermione left Harry and the Weasleys, heading back to their own tent, with Nate somewhat supporting Hermione as she seemed rather tired and kept stumbling as she walked. When they got into the tent, Nate helped Hermione into the room that she was sharing with Luna, before heading to his own room and changing into his pyjamas before laying down on the bed. Through the tent's walls, and from across the other side of the campsite, Nate could still hear much singing, as well as the odd echoing bang.


A short while later, Nate was violently awoken by the sound of screams, causing him to immediately jump out of bed and rush into the main area of their tent, adrenaline making him fully alert. Laura, Nate's mother, would already be there, fully dressed and her wand ready as she stood near the entrance to the tent. Nate figured that his father was already helping deal with whatever was causing all the racket. A few seconds later, Hermione and Luna stumbled into the main room, clearly also having just woken up as they were both in their nightdresses still.

"I want the three of you to get your coats, and head into the woods. Please, stick together. We'll come and get you when we've sorted this out." Laura said quietly, as she left the tent quickly. Nate would simply nod and rush back into his room, picking up his jacket and putting it on and grabbing his wand, not waiting to see if the girls also did as they were told.

A minute later, Nate, Luna and Hermione were all standing outside the tent, each with their coats on and their wands in hand. The three started heading for the forest, right when a burst of strong green light illuminated the scene behind them, and Nate turned to look. A crowd of wizards, all tightly packed together and moving with their wands pointed straight upwards, was marching slowly across the field. For a moment, it seemed like they didn't have faces, but then Nate realised that they were simply hooded and masked, almost as if they were trying to distance themselves from other wizards. High above the group, four shapes struggled, as they were contorted into a series of grotesque shapes. It was almost as if the masked mob were puppeteers, and the people above them were marionettes in some sick puppet show, being operated via invisible strings from the wands carried by the masked wizards. Yet, with a sick swoop of anger in his stomach, Nate realised two of the figures were very small, so he figured that the airborne figures were probably the campsite manager and his family, and he struggled to tear himself away, wanting to rush forward to help the Ministry forces despite being underage.

However, after several moments, and after witnessing more wizards join the marching group, Nate eventually tore himself away and joined Luna and Hermione as they ran for the treeline. Shortly, they were joined by Harry and the Weasley children, although it seemed like Bill, Charlie and Percy had gone to help the Ministry as well. As one, the small group turned to look at the unfolding chaos as they reached the treeline. As they did so, they witnessed the campsite manager's wife, Mrs Roberts, being flipped upside by one of the marchers, causing her nightdress to fall down and reveal voluminous drawers, which drew screeches and hoots of glee from the mob.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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