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It had been 2 months since Naruto and Sasuke began dating, the students were surprised but had no choice but to support them. Although some showed visible disgust towards them. Other than that their relationship was going strong. They had occasional disagreements but Shikamaru and Kiba were always there to help! Sadly on this day, Sasuke's past would screw them over. 

Naruto was running through the hallways, his day had been all over the place. He was so ready to relieve his stress, all he needed was his volleyball and Sasuke his setter.

The boy reached the gym doors, he strolled inside but to his surprise, no one was in the gym.

"Seriously! Where is everyone?" he groaned.

Naruto took out his phone and looked at the time, "Oh, I managed to get the time wrong... I'll just wait until everyone else gets here." he thought as he made his way behind the bleachers.

He took a seat, already bored to death. The blonde began to play with his phone until he grew tired. As extensively as he tried to stay awake, sleep pulled him into a slumber. The boy fell asleep.

"I'm not a fan of it.".

 Naruto groaned as he awoke. He looked around to see that Gaara and Lee were coming towards the bleachers.

"How could you not be a fan of her music!? TenTen is such a good singer!" Lee pouted. Naruto laughed trying to not get caught.

Garra shrugged and looked away. "Let's ask Sasuke cause your opinion is irrelevant now." Lee commented. "SASUKEE! COME OVER HERE!" Lee yelled. Naruto's ears perked up at the name. He could see Sasuke in the background drop his ball and run towards the duo.

"What's up?" the ravenhead questioned. "Do you think TenTen is a good singer? Also, how's your nose?" Lee asked.

"She's okay. It's still stuffy so I can't smell anything.'' Sasuke replied. Lee began to get agitated, "OKAY?! SHE'S MORE THAN OKAY HER MUSIC IS AWESOME!" Lee screamed.

Sasuke and Gaara looked at him, clearly annoyed by his loud voice. They decided to have no engagement with him. Gaara turned to look at Sasuke and asked, "How is everything with Naruto?"

Naruto started to listen closely, "Everything's good, although when he started talking about how hard I am on some people I got annoyed.." Sasuke replied.

Naruto frowned as Sasuke had never shown signs of disagreement when it came to that topic and now he was saying all of this. Lee turned to look at Sasuke, "You are really hard on some people though. Naruto's lucky he didn't see all the things you did before he showed up."

"What does he mean??" Naruto thought it honestly surprised him how Sasuke could act so calmly. It made the blonde question whether some things the Uchiha said or did were lies.

Sasuke grew visibly irritated, "Everything I did had a reason to it and I didn't stop for naruto I stopped because no one crosses me like that."

"Yeah cause you and Kiba are bullying and ruining any chance that one dude had at life is him crossing you!?" Lee growled.

Sasuke glared at the omega, it was something Naruto had never seen. The glare Sasuke gave was one an alpha would show in order to display dominance. A look that people had given Naruto too many times, it was a look he despised.

Lee dropped his head and looked away, the boy knew things could go south very easily.

Garra looked the other way, as a beta, he had no power or right to speak against an alpha even if it annoyed him.

Sasuke looked away and respond, "He was a fucking idiot and a creep. I had every right to treat him the way I did."

The Uchiha began to walk away but immediately stopped when Lee whispered something he thought the Uchiha would not hear. 

"Uchiha's are so fucked. He had no right to do anything."

Sasuke turned around giving that same glare. This time sending chills down everyone's spin, the entire volleyball club ran over. Desperately trying to prevent a fight but they were a bit too late.

The Uchiha held Lee by the collar and glared at him, "What did you just say? Do you think that just because I have an omega I won't hesitate to hurt you?! Lee, you mean nothing to me... you're an omega that I could easily hurt..." Sasuke yelled.

Naruto ran out; Sasuke raised his hand to hit the male but was quickly stopped by Kiba. "Sasuke don't Naruto's watching."

The purebred's eyes widened as he dropped the male from his grip. Sasuke quickly turned his head facing the terrified blonde. He felt his heart drop, after so long of healing from his old ways... his instincts always got the best of him.

The Uchiha hated that, he never meant to be so cruel but something in him exploded the second someone questioned his authority or actions. But now, he truly regretted not fighting his instincts, he felt his heart break as he stared at the blonde who only starred in disappointment, fear, and resentment.

"Is that truly how you feel about people lower than you... about me...?" Naruto whined. "Naruto, let me explain."

"I'm sure you explained enough when you glared at Lee like he was inferior.'' Naruto walked to Lee took his hand and stormed out of the gym.

"FUCK!" Sasuke screamed as he punched the bleachers. Everyone looked away, not wanting to face the Uchiha. Sasuke looked at Gaara, with pure hatred, "You know damn well I struggle with my instincts. How long did you know he was there?"

Gaara's eyes went wide as he failed to speak. "Tsk, if it wasn't for how much I love naruto I'd have you dead." Sasuke growled. The male stormed out the gym's back door.

Kiba ran after the Uchiha; Shikamaru looked at Gaara, "You've known sasuke for years, you know he went on medication to stop his outburst, that he regretted everything he'd done. Garra, you knew he stopped taking his medication once Naruto showed up. So explain to me how you could betray him like this."

Gaara looked at Shikamaru with a blank expression, "because I disdain Uchiha's."

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