Chapter XLIII: Second Shame

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Sandra and Amethyst, as well as the two juveniles, eventually escaped the fighting. Only have a few minor skirmishes, that were not difficult for Sandra and Amethyst's skill go fend off.

Midday broke but one wouldn't be able to tell, the ashy clouds still darkened the sky, accursed magicks perfumed the air over Eron. Fighting, and screaming, could still be heard in the distance.

"Stop!" Sandra said. "We must rest..." She panted, squatting down will Iona still in her arms.

"They may catch up, still." Amethyst replied.

"Halt!" A gruff voice called out from behind.

Sandra readied her magicks and Amethyst her spear. But then their eyes brightened in relief.

"Hans!?" Amethyst cried.

"Amethyst! Sandra!" Hans shouted, a mixture of relief and anguish touched his voice. As he came from the dust and smoke, he revealed Riona in his arms.

"Gods!" Sandra shouted as she ran over. The sight was gruesome, Riona had sustained a impalement through her stomach, it was worryingly deep and wide. "Amethyst!" She cried as she took the blood-soaked Riona from Hans and ran over to where Amethyst was, under a large droopy-leaved tree.

Sandra places Riona on the ground and Amethyst began hovering her hands over the wound. Golden light rained down, the power of Talisore, and the wound began to close slightly; though it bled much.

"I'm too weak!" Amethyst said. "I'm always too weak!" She anguished.

"Hang on!" Lo-Na said as she grabbed her mother. She sent much if her arcane power, the light power, into Amethyst. The golden light grew brighter and soon the wound had fully healed. Amethyst fell back in exhaustion as well did Lo-Na.

Sandra went to tend to them as Hans approached and took Riona into her arms.

"Tell me she is all right!" Hans said to Sandra.

"I sense her soul and her power, she's alive but weak."

"Then I'll pray and we go on!" He said regaining his usual gruff and stoic demeanor. "Come! We must hurry on and find shelter!" He said as he raised Riona up in his arms.

"Are you two able to walk?" Sandra asked her wife and daughter.

"Yes. We'll be fine." Amethyst assured her.

"Let's go then!" Sandra said and they all headed off again.

After hours of walking they found a hill, what passes as a mountain in Eron, it was wooded and raised above the wet and damp swamps. Dry and concealed is just what they needed. And as they approached they found a small path up the hill and there was a tiny alcove, surrounded by the hill and hidden away from the surrounding area.

Hans gathers scraps of deadwood for a fire and Sandra easily ignited it. Good thing about magick is the flame never goes out.

Riona and Iona were sat together near the fire to keep warm, still asleep. Sandra covered them with her robe and Hans used his tabbard.

Sandra then sat next to Amethyst and she cloaked her wife in her cape, keeping her warm.

They sat in silence for many moments until Sandra broke it.

"Twice..." She sighed. "Twice!" She said a little louder and with frustration.

"What dearest?" Amethyst asked.

"We lost twice! The black spires and now Eron! He's beaten us twice!" She cried. "We stand no chance! How are we to ever win! If we get more soldiers he just tricks us, and if we try deceit ourselves we're outwitted!" She said angrily.

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