Chapter XLVI: Betrayer

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Lady Qavina trudged through the dark and deep swamp, blinded by darkness and mist, hindered by deep and thick mid that clung to her dress with ease.

Thus far she hadn't been troubled by any beasts, and if they chose to show themselves she'd be ready. As a mage who attended the College of Trees, she was more than formidable for a wolf or snake to come up against. She feared the more grand creature of the night.

Eron is a highly barren and unsettled land, with most of it's dwarven subjects living underground as is traditional with dwarves. With the safety or the stone of a mountain above head, the swamps above ground were known to harbor horrible creatures. Vampires stalking for the line traveler, werewolves looking to feast upon a merchant caravan, or necromantic cults hiding in seclusion to perform their vile rituals and incantations.

Not to mentions gaggles of goblins or the giant trolls that may wade through the marshy wood, prowling for their next meal.

Lady Qavina was wading through waist deep mud, she felt as if she was sinking further and further in. She looked around for a bank, raised ground, anything but could see nothing in the dark. She could not even cast a light spell as her arms were now subdued by the sludge.

As she struggling she hears a rustling in the brush nearby, but alas she cannot see the perpetrator of the interruption.

"Who goes!?" She demands into the dark, but her demand is left unanswered. "If you're a friend, I'd appreciate the help! I'm stuck!" She cried in desperation. She was thoroughly in the mud and feared it was to be this spot, in a dark and damp swamp, where she'd wither and die. Where she'd fail her King and her friend Lord Mulvihall.

Lady Qavina began to weep to herself and curse to the skies over her predicament. When she suddenly heard another disturbance, it was no woodland creature for it was far too loud. It sounded like wood striking against itself.

"Hello!?" She shouted. "Please take pity!"

Suddenly, out of the darkness, she saw a giant wooden hand covered in moss reach for her. She let out a horrible scream and was soon easily scooped out of the mud by this hand.

"What manner of creature are you!?" She shouted as it's branchy fingers gently wrapped around her body. She finally had the wherewithal to cast a light spell. She saw before her a giant, walking tree, with a face stern and stoic. A beard of moss and leaves adorned this face.

"By Gods!" Qavina gasped.

"Not quite!" A voice rang out.

Qavina looked down and saw a woman, nude with long hair cascading over her body, she reminded her of Milankoff, Goddess of Nature and Beauty as the woman resembled the depictions of her in the Temples. The woman had sort of glow around her, an aura.

Qavina was then sat down by the tree before the forest nymph.

"What is a pretty young elf such as you doing out here at night? You know quite a few trolls call this marsh home!" The woman said in a sort of jestful scolding tone.

"I am Lady Qavina." Qavina answered back politely but also slightly cautious.

"Oh lady!?" The spirit asked with a laugh. "Your pretty noble titles matter little to a hungry goblin or thirsty vampire my girl!"

"Who are you?" Qavina asked.

"I? I am a spirit of this swamp. A protector." She answered.

"Then why am I not dead? I am an intruder am I not?" Qavina asked.

"A harmless little elf is not one to kill." The spirit answered back.

"And the tree-man?" She asked.

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