Chapter 9

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The boys had returned late the next day and were cleaning up everything when the girls walked out of the Lookout.

"Good afternoon boys, I trust y'all had a good time," said Skye.

"We did," said Chase "I missed you though."

"I missed you as well," said Skye, kissing her mate. She jerked her head back, "Whoa! you need a bath."

"We played extra hard," laughed Chase.

"Even I want a bath," laughed Rocky, running over to Yeshe.

Yeshe kissed her mate and stuck her nose into Rocky's neck inhaling deeply, "I think you smell wonderful. But I really think you should probably take a bath though."

Everest walked to Marshall and Took a deep breath. "I like the smell, but yeap, y'all should all go to Katie's."

"Way ahead of you girl," said Skye. "I called, Katie is waiting for all of you."

"Yes, ma'am" said Chase "We'll be back in a bit."


The boys all walked into Katie's.

"Afternoon boys," said Katie, "your baths are already made and waiting. Except for you Kang, I don't have a tub big enough. But that's ok, I'll just hand wash you."

The guys, even Rocky ran and jumped into their tubs laying back and enjoying the water soaking into their fur and skin. Katie walked Kang over to the wash rack and began soaking him down then adding the soap.

"I'll look online," said Katie, "I'm sure I can find a tub big enough. Since you and Mudita are going to be living here, I'll expect you two to come from time to time."

"I can't say that I've ever had a bath," laughed Kang. "Other than standing in the rain from time to time. I think I could get used to this."

"Welcome to the pampered life Kang," laughed Rubble. "Yeah, we were extra stinky when Rocky's willing to take a bath."

The others laughed and Rocky poked his head out of the bubbles and stuck his tongue out before laughing himself.


That afternoon Skye and Chase were laying under a tree watching the other pups play.

"So did y'all enjoy your girls night?" asked Chase.

"What?" said Skye, "how did you know about that?"

"Skye," laughed Chase "I'm an investigator, It's kind of my job to know what's going on. Besides, I knew y'all wanted us out of the way for the evening. We had a great time and needed the time away anyway."

Skye laughed, "I should have known you knew all along. Did any of the others ask?"

"No, they know as well as I do," laughed Chase. "We boys know to do as we're told."

Skye laughed, "Yeah right, anyway yes we had a great time and welcomed Mudita into the group. We also finished planning the showers and nursery."

"Awesome," said Chase, "I assume you'll let us know what you need us to do. Did Kang say he wanted to be part of the team?"

"Too Late," laughed Skye, "we adopted Mudita into the Girls Pack. He doesn't get to decide anymore."

The pup's collars alerted "Paw Patrol to the Lookout!"

"Ryder needs us!" The pups all yelled, turning to run for the lookout.

The pups stepped out into the control room.

"Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder Sir!" Chase said.

"Pups thanks for hurrying," said Ryder "We have a multifunction Ultimate Rescue. Farmer Al's barn collapsed, Farmer Yumi says Farmer Al is trapped under the rubble. Marshall this is a heavy rescue, but Rubble I believe we are going to need your ultimate rig as well. Pups this is an all paws on deck call. Everyone split into the two ultimate rigs. Yeshe, I need you to help Chase with keeping everyone back. Sunny I need you to get on scene and set up command and pull up building plans for the barn so we can figure the best approaches to begin the search. Guys the animals may very well be trapped as well and they will be scared. Let's be careful out there. Paw Patrol is on a roll."

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