Chapter 10

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The rest of the afternoon Rocky and Yeshe spent time with Kang. Rocky had asked Kang if he would explain the history and basic teachings required to serve as a Guardian. At first Kang was reluctant but he couldn't deny that Rocky's enthusiasm was infectious and made him remember his own eagerness to learn when he was a pup.

"Ok Rocky," started Kang, "I am the Guardian that recommended you so I get to choose your guardian name. After much thought I have chosen 'Dharmapala." You may use it as you choose but definitely for any ceremonial purposes it would be expected."

"Dharmapala," said Rocky, then suddenly with wide eyes he said, "That means protector. Do you really think I deserve such a strong name?"

"Rocky you proved that you are willing to sacrifice yourself to protect your mate and others," said Kang, "But you equally have a desire to protect the land. I had told Ryder this but will repeat it for you. Canines have always been the guardians assigned to protect the Great One's creations. Dogs protect and serve humans. Wolves protect and serve nature. You strive to protect both, I'd say that earns you the name."

Rocky had tears in his eyes and he turned to Yeshe who also had tears in her eyes as well. They both turned back to Kang. "T-thank You, Kang," Rocky choked out.

"You're more than welcome," said Kang, "On your mind alone I would follow you into battle, your strength comes from within and is far more important than big muscles. Anyway, a little history... Kang went on to explain the temples and basic understandings of Buddhism and their teachings. Then he began to explain the purpose of the Mastiffs. The Mastiffs have been a part of the monasteries from before written history was begun. The earliest writings go back as far as 1100 B.C. Some Tibetans believe that Tibetan Mastiffs have the souls of monks and nuns who did not make it into Shambhala, the heavenly paradise. It was actually European explorers in the mid 1800's that named our breed Tibetan Mastiffs, before we were just called Temple Dogs. It was originally our task to protect the monks, monasteries, and temples from bears, wolves, and snow leopards. It was only later that we were used in battle. We have been especially bred to adapt to the high altitudes of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateaus. Our blood is able to carry more oxygen and avoid high altitude hypoxia."

"Wow," said Rocky, "I guess I never thought about the fact that living at that altitude would require adaptation over time."

"It is pretty amazing," agreed Kang, "Studies have been done to find that our breed and certain wolves have developed into a specialized arctic breed that can survive in high altitudes and extreme cold temperatures. We had served the temple for centuries and when it became apparent that the need to protect the buildings specifically was passing, the Guardians began getting assigned or presented to individual monks or groups of monks as guardian / companions like Yeshe and myself. We were still trained as temple guardians but it is expected that we serve our masters."

"But Toby doesn't like Yeshe calling him master," said Rocky.

"Lin doesn't either," laughed Kang, "But it's hard to deprogram trained in mindsets. The problem stems from the fact that some previous masters mistreated their dogs or even expected them to serve as slaves. That of course was not the intent and when discovered those individuals were harshly punished."

"You mean they were thrown out of the monasteries?" asked Rocky

"No, I mean they were thrown off cliffs," said Kang, matter of factly.

Rocky stared at him with wide eyes.

"Seriously," said Kang, "The temple honors the deeds of their dogs highly and abuse is worthy of death. Obviously neither Toby nor Lin see us as tools to be used and abused, they see us and we see them as friends and family, and you're now part of that family as well."

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