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~small preview of last chap~
Catching the boy's attention he turns around to face you, stares right at you dead in the eyes and says

"How would I know dipshit."

'Wow rude.'

"Sooo...what's your name?" You questioned the boy.

"..." he just kept walking as you proceeded to follow him.

He suddenly stopped walking and turned to face you making you stop in your tracks "Stop following me already" the boy said with an irk mark on his forehead.

That was not gonna happen anytime soon "just tell me your name! Why not?" You complained. "I'm going to be a demon slayer soon too anyways." You huffed

This boy seemed to have had enough because he finally spoke "Tokito, Muichiro"

Your eyes lit up "I'm Y/N L/N!"

"Oh what was his name again..." he mumbled "D/m/n's? D/n? Yeah I think D/n's daughter aren't you" he spoke.

"Yeah your right! That's my da..." you stopped speaking at the though of your father. "Anyways tokito-san are you here to slay a demon?"

"What else would I be here for?" He plainly said.

Not much of a talker I see..

"I think I know where the demon might be so if you help me out of the woods I'll lead to you to my place!" You said scanning your surroundings

There was a demon last night and I had to leave under my trainers orders-" grabbed his arm and started dragging him the way you thought you came only for him to sigh and then pick you up bridel style and carry you swiftly out of the woods

"Now we're is it." He said firmly putting you down

You just started sprinting towards your house as soon as you saw it. Only for him to catch up and ask "is it that house?"

you simply nodded and opened the door to find your sensei's body on the floor.

"S/N!" You exclaimed rushing towards her

"Y/...n..?" She asked in a low voice as tokito-San was looking around hia had on the hilt of his sword on the sheath

"WHAT HAPPENED AFTER I LEFT?" You exclaimed with tears pricking the outer corners of your eyes

"It wa..s a u..pper..moon" she said

At hearing this your eyes widened in shock 'so it was an upper moon...' then the tears started falling.

Muichiro wasn't paying much attention to S/n until he heard the words 'Upper moon' he then walked over to you both and said "Where did it go."

Then the sun started rising.

Your trainer's breathing getting worse by the second as you rushed to get a first aid kit. Trating her wounds the best you could but would it count? She lost so much blood.

"Y../n" she softly spoke as you tried desperately to treat her wounds.
"Y/n."she managed to get out in a stern tone. You turned to face her crying.

"Y/n I wa..nt you t..o keep the pe..rson you, a nice girl" she spoke with her signature soft smile

"YOU'LL LIVE!! I PROMISE! JUST HOLD ON!" You yelled choking back your sobbing

Just then Kakashi arrived and immediately pulled you away from S/n and started to treat her and give her medicine.

Muichiro was no where in sight. Which was expected because he was sent to look for a demon but it caused a bit of worry within you, he should be trusted. He's a demon slayer and can take care of him self..right?

Your vision started to get blurry and then another Kakashi the wasn't busy ran to help and see what's wrong. You started to speak "I feel di..zzy-"
Darkness. Again.

Word count: 636

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