Menskera's Prize

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The conquest was not going as planned. That was not entirely accurate, it had been going as planned. Better than any of Menskera's band of warriors had thought in fact. The Imperium's forces, undermanned and desperate, had been easy to strike at. Too easy. They had fled before the crunch of the rubricae's boots could meet them, turning and running, hiding and ducking into the warrens they had created. Of course, it had been a ruse, a painfully obvious one. Menskera had not fallen for the cheap trick and had ordered his forces to stand.

What had happened next had taken them all by surprise.

The ground shook as the three sorcerers exchanged a glance. So far, they had only come across light infantry supported by tanks, nothing that they did not know about and had planned for. The scowl on Kaphiri's face informed the other two that he had not foreseen anything of this nature happening. His ability with foresight had always been a bit questionable; it seemed as though now was another example of his ineptitude. The ground shook again, the muddy water on the ground rippled and jumped from the impact.

+Something big is coming this way.+

+Helpful as always Shui,+ Menskera sent back.

Another impact thudded the ground. There was a high pitched whistle that pierced the air. +We need to not be in this location.+ Kaphiri pulsed. Menskera knew when the dour seer well enough to be aware that this was a warning. He gestured for his two companions to follow him. +Not that way!+ The tone indicated that the seer was rolling his eyes. A quick wave of his hand and the three sorcerers darted out of the spot they had been using as cover. Seconds later, the ground collapsed under the impact of a huge shell. The following explosion blasted all three of them off their feet and into the air.

The ground rushed up to meet Menskera and he landed on his front with a thud. The ground shook once more; thick black smoke pressed in, rubble flew through the air. Getting to his feet, he looked about for his two companions. Shui was rubbing his hands together but looked otherwise unhurt, Kaphiri was nowhere to be seen. Menskera pushed his will forth, searching for the missing sorcerer. At that moment, a pile of rubble erupted. Kaphiri appeared to be unharmed though he certainly looked disgruntled. +Don't just stand there!+ he pulsed, ire clinging to his message.

Shui was the one to assist his brother, helping him regain his feet. Menskera looked to their forces; the rubricae were doing as they had been instructed, destruction was their forte after all and who would want to deny them their one remaining function. There was no time to dwell on such however, the ground shook once more and the attention of all three sorcerers was drawn towards a looming shadow. The black smoke did not hide what was lurking in the gloom, not completely.

Menskera felt his stomach do some sort of strange backflip and a cold sensation flooded through him.

"They have a Reaver Titan..."

"Now who is stating the obvious!" Shui said.

+We are not equipped to deal with that+

Despite Kaphiri's words, Menskera was reluctant to leave. They had already expended a great many resources in trying to take the place; to lose now would make that a terrible waste. How none of them had seen this coming was another question that echoed in his mind. There would be time for that question later. Reluctantly, he nodded.

Teleportation was not something that they ever did lightly. The technique was tricky at best and down right dangerous at worst. Carving a path through the warp was one of the tasks Menskera hated the most. It always fell to him to do so as well. +We are returning.+ he pulsed.

One of his brothers aboard the Remus gave a nod of confirmation. Menskera pulled in his will, shut out the distractions of the field and felt calm overtake his mind. He drew in a deep breath as he pulled out the blade that would take them to safety. It's twin was in the hands of Ghazi who awaited them on board the ship. Plunging the knife into the fabric of reality, he tore a space wide enough for his companions to step through. +Go!+ he sent, needing them to move quickly.

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