The Interview... Part 1

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Okay. So, I thought I should interview my characters, to see what they think of everything happening so far. Enjoyyyyy!!! :)


So, this is an interview for the four of you- Alison, Lillian, Gigi, and Kaliah. Anything you want to say?

Ali- Please don't call me Alison. I prefer Ali. Thank you.

Lilli- rolls eyes- Don't call me Lillian. Only my parents call me that.

Gigi- But Lilli- aren't your parents d-

Ali- DON'T say it, Gigi.

Gigi- Sooorrrryyy...

Kaliah- Rainbows and kittens, girls, Rainbows and kittens...

Okay..... So... How are you guys handling your powers?

Kaliah- Mine are AWESOME!!!! -smiles like an idiot-

Lilli- -rolls eyes- Mine are okay. Still getting used to them.

Ali- -shrugs- Meh.

Gigi- Mine are pretty good, actually. I expected more, like the movies, but I'm okay with them.

To Be Continued.....

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